Oh, yes ..

In the Monkey ..

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05 Jan 2016

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357 visits


decorative plate of hand-hammered brass - becomes an orb - with some tweaks to bring colors - of intricate tiles in the Middle East into it - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

05 Jan 2016

7 favorites


436 visits

Memories ..

Christmas wreath on the front door .. now a memory of layers of ribbons .. red - gold - green .. textures of silk .. © All Rights Reserved 2016 - 1 note - -- EXPLORE --

05 Jan 2016

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468 visits

- it looked this way

gazing out the kitchen window - hordes [ know birds are not called that ] - but Robins all across the backyard - in the yards of neighbors - those 'leaves still in the grass' ? if they move, it is a Robin - then another influx- smaller feathered folk - through binoculars looked like Cedar Waxings - saw a few perched in the White Ash - of course the photos are blurry - CWs don't tend to stay still very long - Juncos - House Finches - Cardinals - Blue Jays - Mockingbirds - somebody left the door open ! it always amazes me that they don't fly into each other - or into the deck railings - especially when they do U-Turns in mid-air -- now that is a sight to see ! this is my interpretation of what it looked like out the kitchen window - © All Rights Reserved

04 Jan 2016

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468 visits

- you never know

seemed a good day to catch bird photos on the deck - Mr Cardinal - Ms Finch - Ms Junco - several chubby Finches in the branches - Then Ms Finch scores a ' 10 ' in her landing - Grass being mowed in January ? But Then, he who mows, came in - ''Did you know there are snow flurries ?'' So, the bottom center photos is flurries looking out my window - Out the same window not too soon after - Sunshine and blue skies ! Ah, North Carolina - State of Opportunity and Interesting Weather ! © All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

01 Jan 2016

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407 visits

stages ..

from left to right - 2013 through 2015 Finally ! All permits received - To create loft-style apartments in this iconic old mill - On a 6.8 acre tract of land - This once was headquarters of the Oneida Cotton Mills - The State of North Carolina and Federal Gov. had to see the original brick work - To make available tax credits for historic redevelopment - The developer had to show it is structurally sound - It is to be designed to add 134 new residences to the area - [ now to get my foot in the door for some photos! ] © All Rights Reserved

29 Dec 2015

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373 visits

Winter soloist --

- heard before seen - House Finch (m) perched in a tree - across the street - up a hill - in the yard of a neighbor - his beautiful song lasted long enough - for a photo to document where he was - it was a gray December day - we finally are getting Winter here © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

29 Dec 2015

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408 visits

Winter . .

in reverse .. there is color in Winter .. but this one is more about the Form [s] taken .. edited in PicMonkey .. using: Curves .. © All Rights Reserved ^ 1 note ^ ** EXPLORE **

27 Dec 2015

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405 visits

The Jam -

Host - Matt Server / Cook / percussionist - Stacey Percussion to share - 71 degrees in NC - way toooo warm for December ! Held at Lyrics Grill - North Carolina US © All Rights Reserved

25 Dec 2015

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392 visits

in the darkness ...

- Font: Brush-tip Texe - PicMonkey - full moon © All Rights Reserved Full Moon with branches over it ... North Carolina US
445 items in total