Oh, yes ..

In the Monkey ..

- these photos are edited in www.picmonkey.com
- some of us like easy editing
- user friendly programs
- this is it
- check out the group
- thank you to all the Monkies !
- there is a Royale section now; charge per/month
- still some very good FREE features, though

© All Rights Reserved

20 Jun 2009

5 favorites


313 visits


Tin Can Gypzee Dancers .. for MJ, Benevolent Matriarch of the Tin Can Gypzee dancers (c) All Rights Reserved - photo from the Archives ... words paraphrased from a quote ...

14 Mar 2009

3 favorites


277 visits

--for the Phantom Photographer

- Sir Richard of the Land of the Lakes .. - only has a birthday every 4 years ... - you know where to find this cake, My Friend ! © All Rights Reserved

19 Oct 2017

20 favorites


868 visits

Fall ..

Colors out front .. Starting to become scarce as are the butterflies .. Only saw the Skipper on the False Sunflower .. There was a Painted Lady who didn't remain for her photo-session .. When I took these photos .. It was a very crisp Fall day .. Today -- temp is back up to 72 degrees .. © All Rights Reserved - 1 PiP .. larger photo - .. EXPLORE ..

29 Sep 2017

18 favorites


760 visits

Cycle ...

Of life for flowers .. Buds hold promise of beauty within .. Gradually, petals unfold .. Revealing beauty .. Different - yet the same .. Colors .. Shapes .. Like people .. Similar, yet different .. © All Rights Reserved “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” – Buddha
445 items in total