Oh, yes ..

In the Monkey ..

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24 Jan 2016

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505 visits


North Carolina US style - when we lived in Florida, Snowbirds were people - but here they have feathers - all photos taken through double glass - especially my favorite kitchen window - 2016 Winter - -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

22 Jan 2016

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362 visits

.. and we played on

until they turned out the lights .. vocalists .. guitarists .. hand drummers .. tambourines .. shakeres .. harmonicas .. and - next week, the paper bag musician ! [ hope he brings his spoons, too ] Until we can find another venue, 28 Jan. 2016, will be the last musical gathering of these wonderful people; we have made many friends; shared music and become a Family. This Family shall find another home. * EXPLORE * © All Rights Reserved

19 Jan 2016

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359 visits

The Gathering -

in their Winter feathers - at least a dozen in this flock of Gold Finches - the Summer feathers of the males are a bright yellow - with black wings, tail and head - when spotted on a Dandelion - it blends so well with the yellow, that if the Gold Finch moves - then you can spot it - some House Finches - and Juncos - a Blue Jay and Northern Cardinal - but this was a Gold Finch Meeting - a busy morning - weather is getting colder - saw several constantly fluffing their feathers to trap in heat - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

17 Jan 2016

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286 visits

The 2-hour Flurries ....

this time, the weather people hit it just right - said we would have flurries - we did - would only last a short time - yes, that happened too - would only stick to branches or grass - yes - now, at 11:00am EST - the Sun is Out ! 'Alien Weather' .. © All Rights Reserved

14 Jan 2016

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305 visits

Canon In D

this young pianist [ 16 yrs old ] learned this by ear - not the complete work, but getting in front of people he doesn't know - takes a lot of confidence - he later played a Darbuka with one of the Wooden Nickels - talent -- only way to go is up ! don't know his name, but is the son of Jamie Leigh, host of the Open Mic Jam - * update * The pianist is Taylor Michael .. 2016 © All Rights Reserved

14 Jan 2016

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494 visits

.. hot NC sky

taken at a stop on the way - to Lyrics Open Mic Music Jam - an omen of the evening - from Jimmy Ray & The Dominoes - to The Jenna Bengel Trio - Jamie Leigh and Friends - Bad Penny & the Wooden Nickels [with new member Stacey K] - Nephew & The Aumans - to solo musicians - and a treat from Jamie Leigh's son [ Taylor Michael ] - 16 yrs old. played Canon In D - we talked afterwards and I found out he learned it by ear - told him that I already told his Mom to take him to the TSO Concert in 2016 - just remind her ~ Jamie Leigh did a great hosting job - we didn't close everything down until midnight ! © All Rights Reserved

11 Jan 2016

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288 visits

- I think I can

''Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. '' .. credited to Henry Ford American inventor / industrialist who, according to the link below, worked with others to make the automobile not just something 'for the rich', but a car all people could afford. www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/ford.htm © All Rights Reserved - for Poetography Group ' Confidence quotes ' Font: Poetsen One in PicMonkey editing

05 Jan 2016

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401 visits

Oh ....

certainly wish I were the person who took this photo - who created the saying - but - no, have not a clue as to who it is - all I can say - it fits me perfectly ~ shh, SAB .... * 1 note *

05 Jan 2016

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420 visits

.. sing, oh sing

up early enough to see the sunrise - but, shadowy figures were running around the deck - before long, light trickled through the clouds - revealing so many colorful feathered friends - top row: Northern Cardinal [m] - Red Bellied Woodpecker [f] - Goldfinch [m] 2nd row: Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee and Junco - Goldfinch - Robin - Downy Woodpecker [m] 3rd row: Downy Woodpecker [m] - Blue Jay - Northern Cardinal [m] These are the ones I got photos of - there were even more varieties ... It was a no-brainer for me - Eat breakfast or watch the feathers through my kitchen window ! © All Rights Reserved
445 items in total