Oh, yes ..

In the Monkey ..

- these photos are edited in www.picmonkey.com
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01 Mar 2016

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366 visits

Lavendar ..

.. and a slice of sunshine .. first day of March 2016 .. Ms Crocus is joined by some Daffs .. and the start of Hyacinths .. got to get my Deer Cocktail out .. they have been snacking on Daylily leaves © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

09 Feb 2016

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428 visits

A different photo-shoot . .

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_tricolor One Heartsease from 3 different views/camera settings... All the same beautiful soul .. These are flowers that bloom year round .. Can't think of any months when I haven't found at least a couple souls .. Wikipedia link takes you into history/uses of the flower and more .. A very happy face to see on a cold day :))) Edited in:PicMonkey Font: La Belle Aurore -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

08 Feb 2016

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369 visits

Yellow - gold !

.. the first Crocus to bloom in 2016 .. just as wonderful as last year .. now, waiting for the Purple one to open .. Daff leaves are poking through the soil .. along with Iris, Chives, Daylily and Star of Bethlehem .. know there is still some cold weather ahead .. but last year, the Daffs bloomed in the snow ! .. I know it isn't .. but inside, I feel like Spring !! © All Rights Reserved

01 Feb 2016

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629 visits

Part of the Chosen . . .

Family of Music .. There are two kinds of family .. Related by blood .. or Chosen .. There doesn't need to be a reason .. Just because works for me .. This combination of photos is both .. If I could put everyone in one collage .. It would be done .. Even those who live out of town .. Way across the US .. Even other countries .. Or in Florida where I lived for so many years .. Photographers never met .. Yet I feel that I know them through their works .. So, to my ' Chosen Family ' reading this .. Many, many hugzzzzz Namaste, Peggy © All Rights Reserved ** EXPLORE **

01 Feb 2016

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377 visits


'' A picture is a poem without words.'' - Horace Poetography Group .. -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

01 Feb 2016

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476 visits

.. no

flurries .. there was a hint of some .. but nothing like this .. after all, if the fluffies aren't falling .. create some .. -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

28 Jan 2016

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362 visits

Bittersweet sunset ..

setting on the final Open Mic Jam at Lyrics Grill .. that the photo is a bit blurry ---- fits .. we have one more get together [musicians only] .. think I'll take a box of tissues .. ** 1 note ** PiP 1 contains a collage of dear souls who gave their all .. somebody said, '' we will raise the roof '' .. we DiD .. another home shall be found .. so, have to consider this temporary .. there are too many of us .. not to join in an evening of music, friendship and sharing .. January 28, 2016 © All Rights Reserved

27 Jan 2016

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770 visits

Ahhh ...

www.angiessouthernkitchen.com/2012/06/7-up-biscuits Need: gluten free baking mix [ Bisquick or Glutino - whatever you have ] 7 Up sour cream butter [ maybe add a pinch of salt next time] Recipe in this link - but y'all know me - a recipe is like a map - you can change course if you want - I put the baking mix in a large bowl - added the sour cream and 7-Up - mixed by hand - butter was melting is the oven - using the dish the biscuits would go into - So far, these are the closest to what I call 'real' biscuits - but Gluten Free - ** EXPLORE ** © All Rights Reserved

25 Jan 2016

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418 visits

Good Morning, World !

from the skies of North Carolina US - the most brilliant sky I've seen since the snowfall - we had a total of 3inches, but ice packed it down - making travel a thing NOT to do - today, the sun is out - temperature is above freezing - will get some thawing - major roads are clear, but in the morning - people need to be vigilant - if it looks like ICE, it probably is - my 4WD is getting a work-out in this stuff - took our daughter to the airport for her flight home - and my husband to work - I'm not driving it - Wednesday seems like it might be a good day to venture out - all should be clear then - some of y'all are probably thinking .. 3 inches of snow? well, here it becomes a big deal - especially with ice on top of it - because it is not the norm - so, we deal with it as we can - all the Linemen out restoring power in both North and South Carolina - Thank You - got bread - milk - and more than 2 bottles of wine ! -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved
445 items in total