Oh, yes ..

In the Monkey ..

- these photos are edited in www.picmonkey.com
- some of us like easy editing
- user friendly programs
- this is it
- check out the group
- thank you to all the Monkies !
- there is a Royale section now; charge per/month
- still some very good FREE features, though

© All Rights Reserved

20 Jun 2016

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397 visits

The Three Bs ..

Bee Blooms Butterfly These are two of the four varieties of Day Lilies in bloom - Since I have no 'proper name' for them - The Yellow one is being called: Gold Dust Lily The Red with yellow throat is: Red With Marguerite back-up dancers - Oh, the feast for the bee and the Skipper butterfly is Korean Spice Viburnum - If no names are found for beauties in the Garden of Surprises - They shall be named by She-Who-Talks-To-Them ~ Gardening can be tough, but it does have lighter moments (especially when one buzzes back at the bees) © All Rights Reserved

19 Jun 2016

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350 visits

Historical update ..

Oneida Mills as it goes through the process .. Being re-purposed into apartments .. Last heard, there should be 134 'old but new ' places for souls to call home .. These100+yr old buildings are getting new life .. Yes, will do my best to bring weekly updates .. But, should something totally fantastic happen in-between .. Y'all will get that, too ! -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

16 Jun 2016

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427 visits

Colors of June 2016

-- EXPLORE -- collage with notes ...

15 Jun 2016

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302 visits

- stages of change

from the Historic Oneida Cotton Mills - into apartments - Rehab Builders has a website - check out some of the other works they have done - not met them, but they put to use all they can - this is a 'feel good' collage for me - not in my backyard - but my small town - believes in preserving the history it can - shall keep the photos coming - if you look at the Album - Historic Buildings - you can see photos from 2013 - and later following the changes - © All Rights Reserved photos from 2013 [while permits were still being pulled] - to 2016 - much has changed, yet the History will remain

06 Jun 2016

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350 visits

- American Lady

Found on a Buddleja .. On the way back from an errand .. Saw some beautiful plantings around a building .. Drove up to check them out .. The American Lady and a Bumble Bee .. Found nectaring on blossoms .. Just one of those .. Right place - right time .. AmericanLady (Vanessa virginiensis) © All Rights Reserved The Alphabet Site -- letter A -- EXPLORE --

30 May 2016

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334 visits

Flowers ~ for this day

.. layers of Love nestled in Hydrangea colors .. cream - lavender - pink - blue .. This photo is how I feel today --soft, colorful, happy, adventurous .. Stepping outside the box... even if only a bit .. Thank you all [ y'all ] for your kind notes and emails .. You have elevated this day even higher ~ Garden of Surprises - 2016 © All Rights Reserved The Alphabet Site .. the letter ' F '

10 Apr 2016

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278 visits

determined ..

Poetography Site - " A determined soul will do more with a rusty wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in machine shop.. " - Robert Hughes (1938-2012 ) - the left side -- upper part a rusty form that will eventually be removed - under that photo -- new materials for re-furbishing/re-purposing Oneida Cotton Mills - into apartments - the photos taken are all from a distance, as this is a construction site and can't just go wandering in - doing my best to document the progress - using the talents I have .. even though there are times I question where they have gone - 'determined' suits me in getting these shots as well :)) © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

05 Apr 2016

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343 visits

Bloomin' Red ~

- our red Azalea is always the first to bloom - Formosa pink has numerous buds - if the cold doesn't harm them - they will open soon © All Rights Reserved

19 Mar 2016

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363 visits

Spring ---

red - some orange - touches of yellow - all shades of green - down the road - in Not My Garden - a variety of pansies and tulips planted - some others - shall wait for the gardener to appear - ask him - this is just the beginning - Archive Airings AA239-NATURE IS ALIVE! © All Rights Reserved
445 items in total