depscribe's photos

29 Jun 2019

108 visits

A daisy in the gold with a bug

I think there may be a parable here. 590nm, by the way.

27 Jun 2019

2 favorites

173 visits

Fawg rises after a thunderstorm

That's not a pile of steaming cottage cheese -- disgusting notion, isn't it -- but sun on the far hillside, while this side of the holler is in the shade. Fuji X-E2 590nm IR converted, 35mm f1.4 Fujinon.

25 Jun 2019

4 favorites

174 visits

RT 550 in 590 IR

Amesville, Ohio, as seen from the other side of the street. I took the white balance, by the way, off the sidewalk.

17 Jun 2019

2 favorites

205 visits

Infrared reflections often delight

I didn't expect these colors. Shot at 590nm, with auto white balance and channel swapping in The GIMP.

17 Jun 2019

1 favorite

186 visits

That field in Amesville, Ohio

This time in 590nm infrared.

25 Jun 2019

268 visits

Amber waves of grain-to-be

As seen in 590nm infrared.

06 Jun 2019

159 visits

The collision was narrowly averted, as they say

06 Jun 2019

1 favorite

222 visits

A South Court Street scene

06 Jun 2019

1 comment

233 visits

The pond behind Baker Center

3629 photos in total