depscribe's photos

21 Aug 2022

59 visits

Wonder what the spots are for


21 Aug 2022

1 favorite

1 comment

58 visits

Some kind of sphinx moth caterpillar, I think

The larva was about three inches long. Turns out it's the larva of the Pandora sphinx moth.

13 Aug 2022

1 favorite

40 visits

Hmmm. Front legs extend beyond those claws!

13 Aug 2022

1 comment

36 visits

Who is eating whom?

The ant wasn't moving.

13 Aug 2022

37 visits

Soon to follow

13 Aug 2022

41 visits

Like a tiny artichoke

13 Aug 2022

34 visits

It blends in well, doesn't it

13 Aug 2022

34 visits

Be glad they're not 50 feet tall

22 Sep 2021

3 favorites


130 visits

Slug collectors, take notice

Here's the only albino slug I've ever seen. Found among normally pigmented specimens in late September 2021.
3629 photos in total