depscribe's photos

26 Sep 2021

59 visits

It's called a spin

Student pilots are taught that if their airplane goes into a spin, they need to take their hands off the yoke and kick opposite rudder. Tico LaCerda knows this. That's why the corkscrew does not end at the ground.

26 Sep 2021

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72 visits

Sideways and smoking, near the ground

Airplanes under control aren't normally in this attitude. They're sure as hell not normally at this attitude this low. When he's not throwing his Pitts Special around the sky, Roberrt "Tico" LaCerda flies a different plane, called a 747. Really.

26 Sep 2021

54 visits

There it goes

Nope, it's flying just fine!

26 Sep 2021

62 visits

Is there gas in it?

Hmmm. Something wrong with Roger's lawn mower?

26 Sep 2021

54 visits

Almost stopped at the top of the sky

It's called a hammerhead stall. And it's best performed with some sky below you.

26 Sep 2021

56 visits

Just upside down now

A Champion Sky-Trac, upside down.

26 Sep 2021

56 visits

Upside down and headed groundward

Emerson Stewart III of Waynesville, Ohio put his Champion Sky-Trac through its paces as the first aerobatic plane to fly on a perfect Sunday afternoon.

26 Sep 2021

56 visits

What colors is your parachute?

The show began with a parachute exhibition. Here's Bob Church of nearby Albany, Ohio.

26 Sep 2021

50 visits

Learning the rules

Before an airshow begins, there's a pilots meeting. It is where they learn everything from radio frequencies to the part of the sky reserved for the show.
3629 photos in total