depscribe's photos

22 Jan 2024

2 favorites

57 visits

Very cold all week but warmer today

16 Sep 2023

1 favorite

1 comment

81 visits

One spicy thistle

You go for nectar and stay for dinner. You are dinner.

04 May 2023

1 favorite

1 comment

85 visits

I see a moon arisin'

01 Sep 2022

102 visits

A caterpiller had a taste

The caterpillar thought better of it and moved along.

01 Sep 2022

99 visits

Another oddly colored slug

Unlike the earlier one, this isn't an albino, but it certainly differs a lot from the usual olive-to-tan, much darker slugs found in the same place. This one was about an inch and a quarter long.

23 Aug 2022

95 visits

Five-lined skink suns himself

23 Aug 2022

87 visits

A closer look at Mr. Skink

21 Aug 2022

96 visits

And a pseudohead on its hind end

21 Aug 2022

89 visits

It has a "foreskin" to protect its head

3636 items in total