Gudrun's photos

Ecco la bellezza della vita!

22 Jul 2023 27 42 234
SC55: a quote, saying or poetry Un dì all'azzurro spazio guardai profondo, e ai prati colmi di viole, pioveva loro il sole, e folgorava d'oro il mondo: parea la terra un immane tesor, e a lei serviva di scrigno il firmamento. Beginning of the Improvviso from Umberto Giordano's Andrea Chenier, words by Luigi Illica (1857-1919). One of the best libretti ever written. The historic André Chenier was a poet who died under the guillotine in 1794. Another contribution in the clickable note: Mies van der Rohe, Mr "Less is more":


22 Jul 2023 34 53 213 im Winter:

Fagradalsfjall, Season 2 (2022)

05 Aug 2022 47 53 268
A photo from the 3rd day of the rather shortlived 2022 Meradalir eruption- fog and rainclouds drifting in from the sea. After 2021 (Geldingadalir) and 2022 (Meradalir), Fagradalsfjall started its 3rd eruption on 10th July, this time a bit further north at Litli Hrútur. After 6 days it has already built a sizeable cone with lava fountains, a lava tube and a lava river and has joined up with the old lavas from 2021/22. This year's eruption is not big but more powerful than the precdeding ones. The lava is nearly 1200°C hot and mantle derived, it comes from a depth of 17-20 km. Webcams for the new eruption: News: Icelandic Met Office:

Sprinkenhof- Detail

28 Apr 2023 30 44 210
SC54: Lines and planes Sprinkenhof was built from 1927-43 in the style of so called brick expressionism. Adjacent to Chilehaus, it is part of Hamburg's World Heritage Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District.

Triq id-Dejqa

20 Apr 2016 43 58 236
A narrow lane opens into a courtyard in Ir-Rabat/ Victoria on the Island of Gozo.

"Zacke" bereit zur Abfahrt

08 Jul 2023 53 81 293
SSC: ÖPNV Die Stuttgarter Zahnradbahn (Zacke genannt) ist eine von nur 4 Zahnradbahnen in Deutschland und die einzige, die Teil des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs ist. Sie überwindet auf 2,2km einen Höhenunterschied von über 200m mit einer Steigung von max. 17,8%. Die neueste Version der Wagen (Hersteller: Stadler) erlaubt einen barrierefreien Einstieg und verfügt über mehr Platz für Fahrräder auf dem Vorstellwagen.

06/50 Oskar-Schindler-Weg

01 Jul 2023 45 81 246
Benannt nach Oskar Schindler (Schindlers Liste!), ist der Weg mit insgesamt 92 Treppenstufen eine Abkürzung zwischen Etzel- und Olgastraße im Stuttgarter Süden. Im Hauptbild der untere Abschnitt, im PiP der obere Teil. hFF folks!

Vedretta di Palü (Palü Glacier)

02 Aug 2019 45 63 233
and Lagh da Palü (Palü Lake), seen from Berninabahn near Alp Grüm.


01 Aug 2019 48 63 223
seen from Albula-/ Berninabahn, both photos taken within a second

Rickmer Rickmers

18 May 2023 43 54 216

Holes and cracks

17 Sep 2019 51 69 266
Parts of this iceberg look ready to break off any time


17 Sep 2019 59 70 323
The beginning if the end for this iceberg, water action hollowing out the base, first cracks....

No words needed

01 Oct 2011 43 56 230
SC51: A picture is worth a thousand words (archives again, I didn't find anything worth posting this week) A farm at the end of the road in Chokhor Valley, Bumthang. (clickable) alternative photo:

Throwing a tantrum

03 Oct 2011 23 16 162
in Trongsa town

Journey's End

16 Sep 2019 59 70 337
The huge icebergs at Ilulissat come from Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, 40km inland. They travel down Ilulissat Icefjord until they get stopped by an underwater moraine barrier at the end of the fjord. There they break apart and start floating into Disko Bay until they melt away.


23 Jun 2023 25 30 152
SSC: Wasser Ein Glas Mineralwasser, Sonnenlicht von der Seite


29 Apr 2023 37 52 218
Die Elbkristall bereit zur großen Hafenrundfahrt, aber bei den HADAG Hafenfähren ist viel mehr los!

Will denn keiner eine Hafenrundfahrt machen?

29 Apr 2023 44 68 230
hFF and a good weekend to all Ipernity friends!

2016 items in total