Gudrun's photos

Hamburg School of Business Administration

29 Apr 2023 46 68 277
SC44- Architecture

Hamburger Börse

29 Apr 2023 44 56 262
oder lieber in Farbe?


29 Apr 2023 56 106 270
Langsam finde ich mich nach einer längeren Auszeit wieder hier ein... Das Iper-Treffen vergangenes Wochenende in HH hat viel Spaß gemacht, es war schön, so viele wiederzusehen! Nochmals danke an die Hamburger Organisatoren und alle Teilnehmer! HFF and a good weekend to all Ipernity friends!

Fröhliche Ipers

29 Apr 2023 11 12 129
beim traditionellen Hamburg-Treffen

Terminal 1

21 Jan 2023 40 42 272
Just a brief sign of life, I have been very busy in the past few weeks and will be away again but (Deutsche Bahn permitting) back the 1st week in May. See you and your photos then! Ein kurzes Lebenszeichen, ich war die vergangenen Wochen sehr beschäftigt und werde gleich wieder bis Anfang Mai weg sein, u.a. zum HH-Treffen. Ich freue mich, viele wieder "in echt" zu sehen, alle anderen virtuell dann im Mai:-)

Møbel/ Tapetsering

Johanneskirche am Feuersee

21 Feb 2023 68 99 440
SC35:Symmetry Die neogotische Johanneskirche wurde 1865-76 erbaut (Architekt: Christian von Leins). Nach der fast kompletten Zerstörung im 2. Weltkrieg erfolgte der Wiederaufbau ohne die Kirchturmspitze. Im Dezember 2021 verwüstete ein Einzeltäter die Kirche.


22 Jan 2023 40 44 328
Grieghallen was designed in modernist style (one could also call it concrete brutalism) by Danish architect Knud Munk. Construction started in 1967 and was finished by 1978. It's Bergen's main concert venue and home to Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester. Seen from above, the hall is shaped like a grand piano.

Bottle fence

26 Jan 2023 57 101 307
hFF to all Ipernity friends!

Barents Aurora

28 Jan 2023 51 84 381
Northern lights over the Barents Sea off Varanger peninsula. There was some swell so especially the PiP isn't quite as sharp as I would have wished.

Back of Seiland

29 Jan 2023 43 48 280
Sailing south from Hammerfest, the usual route leads through Sørøysund between the islands of Sørøya and Seiland. This time we took the much more sheltered route east of Seiland- the "UFO" clouds are an indication why we did;-) Nearly the whole island of Seiland is a National Park, the most remote in Norway:

Panthera unica

22 Feb 2023 45 60 300
Wilhelma Stuttgart

Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata

22 Feb 2023 33 40 241
SC 34: Rule of thirds (Another clickable one in the note) Wilhelma Stuttgart


22 Feb 2023 20 18 133
Wilhelma Stuttgart Because of bird flu the zoo's birds are all indoors or in specially protected volieres but visitors from outside still come and go.

Risøyrenna and Andøybrua

30 Jan 2023 50 52 368
A winter morning (10.30 a.m.) in the Vesterålen Islands

The Green Man of Bergen

22 Jan 2023 52 95 279
hFF and a good weekend, folks!

Tromsø Jernbanestasjon

26 Jan 2023 36 50 255
Tromsø Jernbanestasjon (Tromsø railway station) is not a station but a pub;-)

2016 items in total