Gudrun's photos


31 Jan 2023 46 55 277
The odlly shaped mountains of Nordland are the stuff of legends. They are said to be trolls turned into stone when surprised by the rising sun. Hestmannen (the horseman) was the wild and unruly son of Vågakallen (the Old Man of Våga). He was caught by the sunrise when chasing after the beautiful Lekamøya and the Seven Sisters. Full story in the link:

66' 33' N

31 Jan 2023 59 67 365
The globe on Vikingen island marks the polar circle. As with the North Cape which isn't really the northernmost point (that's Knivskjellodden nearby), Vikingen is not directly on the polar circle but was the most convenient place to place the globe.

Snowy fence

03 Mar 2022 63 104 301
hFF and a good weekend!


31 Jan 2023 41 36 249
near the Arctic circle

Austvågøya Sunset

30 Jan 2023 76 84 434
The sun starting to go down at 2 p.m.

Storgata, Tromsø

26 Jan 2023 40 46 277
Tromsø's main shopping street is illuminated against the winter dark. Note how the pavements are free of snow, they have underfloor heating!

Green on green

11 Feb 2023 27 40 194
SC32: ton-sur-ton ( I thought I had dusted the glass spheres, not well enough it seems....;-) An alternative take:

Northern lights over Båtsfjord

28 Jan 2023 65 97 427
All photos taken within one single minute!

Et lite stykke Norge

10 Feb 2023 26 36 195
SSC: flatlay The 4 last bits of Freia Melkerull - decorated with lemon grass and kaffir lime leaves. Freia was founded in 1889 and is Norway's largest chocolate producer which sadly was taken over in 1993 by Kraft/ Mondelez. Die letzten 4 Stückchen Freia Melkerull -plus Zitronengras und getrocknete Limettenblätter. Freia wurde 1889 gegründet und ist der größte Schokoladenhersteller Norwegens, leider 1993 von Kraft/ Mondelez geschluckt.

Moonrise over Senja

30 Jan 2023 51 64 279
Rising moon near Harstad at 8.49 a.m.! At the same time the sky in the east was very slowly turning red in an arctic dawn.... 1,7 steps underexposed, spot metering

Blue knot

28 Jan 2023 35 65 223
HFF to all Ipernity friends!

Moon, stars and northern lights

28 Jan 2023 47 59 352
A comparatively calm Barents Sea between Båtsfjord and Berlevåg. There was still enough swell that I had to keep the shutter speeds as short as possible and yet got plenty of photos with stars not as dots but as stripes and zigzags;-) This is one of the better efforts. Back from holiday but will take some time catching up.

Winter an der Müritz

17 Dec 2022 43 56 271
A very belated happy New Year to all Ipernity friends. Sorry about my absence, Christmas and the start of the year have been busier than expected and now I'm off for a fortnight's holiday. See you in February!


26 Jul 2022 60 84 307
...gibt es nicht nur im Winter, sondern auch im Sommer auf Reiseflughöhe:-) Ich bin dann mal für ein paar Tage weg.

St. Lamberti

30 Dec 2021 35 47 277
Nachdem Volker die Außenansicht gepostet hat, musste ich doch meine Innenaufnahmen ausgraben... St, Lamberti in Münster ist der bedeutenste Sakralbau der westfälischen Spätgotik, erbaut zwischen 1375-1525.,_M%C3%BCnster

Blue rope

06 Mar 2022 17 14 204
Found some at the harbour in Brønnøysund;-)

Trondheim Sentralstasjon

11 Feb 2018 51 59 360
SC24: Railways A had to avail myself of an unpublished archive shot as I saw the challenge theme too late to get something new.

Raindrop bokeh

28 Dec 2021 36 47 240
On a miserable, cold and rainy day a museum visit was in order:-)

2016 items in total