honeyj's photos


28 Jul 2019 5 432
how was your day, dear? miserable. they made me stay and work overtime. I hope the pay is worth it. it's ok, but, man, those floaties are a bitch to control sometimes. good thing you're so tough. tell me about it.

Dumb Luck

14 Apr 2017 7 1 561
how was your day, stanley? awesome, edna! just by chance, I found that prime retail space I've been searching for! what kind of business do you want to open? well, I thought it would be a coffee house/book shop, you know, with poetry readings and stuff? that sounds nice. yeah, but now. . . now what? a tire store! you want to sell tires? whatever made you change your mind? inventory, edna! it's all about the inventory!

Mindless Entertainment

08 May 2017 3 470
whaddya wanna do, eddie? I dunno, joey. wadda you wanna do? wanna ride the bus to the end of the line and back? that sound like fun to you? not really. ok cool.

Esprit de Corps

30 Oct 2011 10 1 426
sergeant, the general is inspecting today. I want the men looking sharp in drill. it has to go like clockwork. and I mean perfect. this place will be in tip-top shape, sir. does that include your quarters, sergeant? they're a tiny bit messy sir. partied a little too hard last night. messy? it looks like a bomb went off in here! why don't we tell the general it's our explosives lab, sir? maybe he'll want to blow something up himself. you think so? easier than cleaning it. sir. good point, sergeant.

Ministry of Propaganda and National Enlightenment

21 Jul 2012 9 1 584
I received this summons. just have a seat, sir. did I do something wrong? did you? well, I see you've been quite busy on twitter. is that so? I guess. is that a crime? it depends, sir. you don't have a good opinion of our leader, do you. so what? you don't seem very proud of your US citizenship. no, not very proud at all. that's an insane thing to say. we'll see about that, sir. you'll. . . see about it? oh yes. we will.

You're Only as Old as You Feel, I Guess

11 May 2012 7 1 441
edna? wanna go for a walk? not now, stanley. my favorite TV show is starting. well, I need some exercise. ok, go take your walk then. I will. see you in a couple of hours. that long? to take a walk? and to stop for ice cream, of course. go work those muscles. I totally abuse the machine. of course you do. hot fudge sundae, I presume? only 2 scoops! I'm cutting back. impressive.


26 Jul 2008 6 611
my liege, the visigoth hordes surround us. call out the archers. man the parapets. we did that, my lord. but they are too many. nonsense. use that boiling oil thingy. pour it on them. yes, lord, we are. but they still surge the walls. well then, call in an air strike. a what? nuke the bastards. nuke them, my lord? never mind. I got that out of a book I found on the internet. the. . . what? forget it. it's nothing we need worry about for another 1000 years or so.

Kleptocratic Fascist Reality Show

20 May 2019 18 4 946
what am I doing here? it's just routine. face the wall. am I being arrested? no further questions. I was just walking by. we know. empty your pockets. I think maybe I need a lawyer. that's against the rules. what rules? it's all in today's tweet. tweets aren't rules. they are now.

Climate Change

17 Feb 2010 4 1 459
good morning, herr doktor. good morning, my boy. did you notice how warm it is today? yes, it's brutally hot out there. it's my ozone collector! it's working, collecting prodigious amounts of ozone, to store in my unique pressure chamber. are you saying. . . yes! it is I who now controls the climate! but why would you want to do that? to be king of the world! ha ha! but what will happen to the earth? earth? a minor footnote in the history of the cosmos! that sounds a little extreme, doktor, I mean. . . I'll be rolling in money! it's party time!! oh my god. I fear for the planet. I'm gonna shake that. . . er, what do you call it? you mean, booty? yes! it must be shaken!

Bar Association

19 Jan 2018 6 500
you wanna get a drink later? can't afford to. I have a meeting. really? talk is cheap. it's with my lawyer. so, not so much.


19 Jan 2013 6 425
I'm answering your job ad. ok. it demands the utmost perseverance, dedication and skill, 24-7, with no benefits. what do I gotta do? take care of this place. who's been doing it up to now? me. and I have the highest standards. really? you sure? well, I sometimes disappoint myself. so, any tips? just this: don't set any fires. why not? it attracts the neighbors. there's neighbors? they howl at the moon, and love fresh meat. so they're friendly? you can say that.

Chaos Theory

07 Mar 2010 9 399
how are things on earth, archangel? dismal, lord. humans refuse to take responsibility for their actions. an old story. what should we do, lord? nothing. they'll have to figure it out. and if they don't? it'll be very messy for a long time, I'm afraid. but what about earth, lord? you made it. and I flooded it. it looks like it's gonna flood again. is there another noah to build an ark? forget the ark. that was a bad idea. it saved the animals. people too, though. my mistake. so no ark? no ark. been there. done that. time to move on. still, I wish something would remain. oh, I imagine even humans can't destroy everything. really? I'm not so sure. me neither, actually.


20 Apr 2019 4 1 512
why're you scratching your head, vern? I can't figure this out. what's that? that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. the bible says something like that, alright. yeah, except. . . except what? why would a camel want to go through the eye of a needle? it's a metaphor, vern. like jumping the shark. oh. so did the shark try to go through that needle too? I really doubt it, vern. cuz that wouldn't make no sense atall. know what I mean? I do, vern. I totally do.

Nuclear Winter

18 Mar 2012 8 1 371
look, dear, the girl scouts are selling cookies. let's get some. go ahead if you want. but I don't see a future in it. what? it's cookies! I'm just a little pessimistic today, sorry. what about? oh, armageddon. the end of the world, that sort of thing. whatever brought that on? dunno. must have had too many blueberries on my pancakes this morning. that'll do it, all right. I'm sure it has nothing to do with those incoming contrails. what? where? forget it. we better eat those cookies. before they melt.

Weatherman Faction

30 Jul 2011 6 1 494
what's up man? actually, I'm getting the band back together again. band? what band? you're not a musician. the weatherman. from the old days. those guys? don't tell anyone. it's a secret. you've already been a fugitive once. you wanna be one again? the world has gone nuts. especially here. I know. hell, everybody knows. so, can I join? sure, just go to our web site. web site? your underground group has a web site? hey. it's all marketing. know what I mean? the world truly is nuts, alright. I know. have your credit card ready.

No Man's Land

02 Mar 2003 5 3 341
think you can do it? I reckon. how far's the target? see that peak out there? he's on it. hell, that's gotta be several miles away. could be. that's a long shot, even for you. true. but take a look at. . . this. shit! that thing's huge! biggest they make. a few miles is no problem. amazing how far water balloon technology has advanced! it's a great time to be alive. no doubt.


22 Aug 2013 9 561
centurion: alert the crew that we are approaching earth. yes, master. we'll dock in the middle of that city. won't we be spotted? I mean, we're an arcturan star cruiser. have no fear. the new design of our craft is perfect. the humans will never even see us. we'll be. . . invisible. it is somewhat unconventional, isn't it, master? you think? the ship was built to look like one of their many abandoned auto factories. we'll fit right in! as they say, when in rome, do as the romans do. we're not going to rome, centurion. not even close. it's just a figure of speech, master. learn another. and say nice things about detroit. I do, I do! all the time.

Priced to Sell

11 Jun 2017 8 1 538
I'll take it. take what? I'll take this place. what do you want for it? sir, it's not for sale. this is a public university. don't give me that. everything has a price. how much? I see. well, how about 50? 50 thousand? er. . . . right! well, I don't have that kind of cash on me right now. how much do you have? let's see. . . $200. it's yours. really? enjoy. bye. where are you going? my bus is here. I have an. . . appointment. can't miss it. oh, well thank you! it's been a pleasure. a real pleasure.

1315 photos in total