honeyj's photos

Party Animals

03 Apr 2016 2 486
hey, maurice, you going to the party? nah. sounds like a drag. you should go. it could be pretty cool. who's gonna be there? you know, the usual crowd. man, they're no fun. I'm thinking this time might be different. why? we get to wear a cod-piece. I’m there.

Feed Your Fear

20 Jun 2014 11 1 654
say, alice, you wanna go out tonight? ok, ralph. where are you taking me? there's this little place in the city. the city? is it safe? oh sure. nuthin' to worry about. I don't know. my parents, they don't let me go there. . . just wear your, you know, boots. on a date? and maybe waders, too. are we catching frogs? I hope that's the only thing we catch.

Rocket Science

04 Aug 2011 5 1 227
I couldn't live here. who's asking you to? oh, I was just trying to anticipate your next question. yeah? so what's my next one after that? am I hungry? right! and what's your answer? I'm starved. good. let's eat. well that was easy. hey, it's not rocket science, you know.

Conflict Resolution

11 May 2012 5 1 383
hey guido, the sign on this building says 'Facilitators and Mediators.' what does that mean? we help people resolve conflicts with each other. you mean, people hire you guys to do that for them? yeah, sure. that's what I do. you? don't make me laugh. you whack people. that usually resolves the conflict, doesn't it? well, yeah, permanently. you got a problem with that? me? no way, man. didn't think so.

Nora Likes Morris Louis

02 Jan 2009 12 4 556
what does it mean? hold on, I think it's coming to me. yeah? got it. it's a code. it is? what does it say? it says, "nora, u r 2 cute." oh daddy.

Bank Job

12 Jan 2013 6 4 391
that's it. that's what? that's where my money is. in there? no. on there. what are you talking about? see those tiles? they aren't really tiles. what are they? my money. after a little molecular engineering. interesting. but why are you telling me? can't I trust you? sure. you bet. have we met? great.

Extraordinary Rendition

09 Mar 2018 6 461
what's he told you? nuthin' boss. not a thing. that won't last. he'll break. I dunno boss. he's a tough one. he's about to see that we're tough too. get me? you mean. . . exactly. you got the tool. use it. gee, I don't know. isn't it outlawed by, you know, the Geneva Convention or something? what're you, an expert on international law now? no boss. me neither. use it. he'll talk. but it's so. . . icky. I hate candy corn too. why else d'you think we have so much of it lyin' around? stuff makes me wanna puke. I almost feel sorry for the guy. you wanna eat that stuff yourself? me? no way! then go do it. it's fool-proof. the poor son-of-a-bitch don't know what's about to happen to him. I wouldn't wanna be him, that's for sure. for sure.

City Lights

24 Feb 2016 2 1 481
I want to be a beatnik when I grow up. forget it, man. you're a hippie. yeah? far out!

In Wildness is the Preservation of the World

25 Jul 2013 4 489
is it safe? god knows. is he saying? not to me, he ain't.

Saturday Night Special

03 Mar 2018 7 1 671
what's so special about it? it takes me where I want to go. hell, my ride does that. you and I don't want to go to the same place. you may have a point.

Search and Destroy

08 Mar 2018 6 1 573
he's in here somewhere. yeah, but how are we gonna find him, sir? your orders are to search the whole place. yes, sir. and while you're at it, destroy everything you find. ah, sir? isn't that a little redundant? hmmm. I see what you're saying. ok, new orders: um. . . search. got it. nice and simple. just how we like it. that's what they say. they do?

Hard Truth

30 Oct 2011 4 2 279
we have to take a stand. and tonight is the night. I'm glad you think so. the odds are against us. nevertheless, this carnage has to stop. right here. right now. good luck with that. I know. there's thousands of them out there. and they all want the same thing. they're relentless! trick or treat! which means treats, of course. man, I hate halloween. yeah. that candy should be mine. all mine! you mean ours, don't you? have we met?

Innocence Lost

25 Jul 2013 2 163
hello mrs. lubner. can billy come out and play? oh hi eddie. no, he's with his girlfriend. he has a . . . girlfriend? billy? I'm afraid so. he grew up so fast. billy? grown up? but we're. . . 11. you'll grow up too, eddie. I promise. soon? well, eventually. ok. well if he comes home, I'll just be outside, digging up worms. that's nice. not as nice as having a girlfriend though, is it. not so much.

Day By Day

01 Sep 2013 9 4 678
we don't have much time. cool it. the sun's not set. the moon won't rise for another hour. you think these chains will hold? they better. if they don't, we're screwed. you mean I'm screwed don't you? I'm not the werewolf here. better fasten them good. I'll be ravenous soon enough. I do like the way you howl at midnight. really? want to run through the woods with me? I do and I'll be dinner. probably. works for me though. how thoughtful you are. not. what can I say? I was born this way. there you go again. taking no responsibility for yourself. whatever.

Mystery Train

22 Oct 2007 8 5 528
pardon me, is this the line for the next train? train? we're not here for a train. oh. well, I'm taking the next train to Detroit, you see, and don't want to miss it. mister, ain't gonna be no train. what do you mean? you see any tracks? well, no, but. . . you see a station? uh. . . no you don't. fact is, that train don't stop here anymore. no? so what are you doing? us? we keepin' an eye on the place. really. ten eyes, to be exact. can't be too careful. been here long? you could say that.


27 Sep 2014 4 1 295
what is this place? you mean you don't know? oh my god! are we in hell? we're in hell! aren't we? dude. relax. we're not in hell. get it together. when did we die? oh god. I miss my family. you're not dead. you've had too much to drink. I never got to say goodbye. sob. ok, we're outta here. remind me not to bring you again. you think they'll pray for me? someone should. you need it.


11 Feb 2018 8 2 619
hey, captain, you got a minute? what's happening, detective? it's my line-up. what about it. you got the suspect in there, right? yeah. but the victim's having a problem. yeah? she can't id the guy? not that. she says they all did it. what? is this the one claimed to have been abducted by a space alien? that's her. she says we got the whole flying saucer crew. jesus. and now she says wants to go with them. where? like I know? wherever flying saucers go. mars. or whatever. so let her. what about our suspect? does he have anything to say? just shit like, 'take me to your leader.' makes no sense to me. we had to tie him down, cuz he's got, like, wings or something. that's ridiculous. cut him loose. really? I got too many headaches to worry about alien abductions. should I complete my report? and say what? we arrested a martian? we'll be laughed out of town! ok. I'll keep it quiet. nobody will be any the wiser. I hope not.


25 Feb 2018 3 1 289
hey, claude, what's up? I need a new ride, man. mine died. you're in luck. take a look at this baby. the perfect P.H.T.D. what? you mean P.T.S.D? Post-Human Transportation Device. huh? you heard me. we're evolving. and not in a good way. I recommend that you be prepared. evolving into what? dunno. a lower form of life, way it looks right now. but this car? isn't it, like, unsafe at any speed? that makes it perfect in the new, post-human world! so what kind of meds did you say you're taking? only the best! got any more? yeah, but be cool. they're heavy. I can see that.

1315 photos in total