honeyj's photos

tank u very much

02 Oct 1972 3 199
put it in there. what, there? all of it? yeah. all of it. I don't think it'll fit. do your best. but what if there's some left over? you eat it. eat it!? I can't eat this! then you better make it fit. you know? I'm thinking it'll fit. me too.

The Shaft

21 Sep 2008 7 3 364
hey sol, you seen vinny? no boss. ain't seen him all day. it ain't like him not to check in. no, it ain't. I need you to call an elevator repair guy. yeah? what's the problem? the thing seems to be hitting something at the bottom. hitting something? what kinda something? I dunno. what? you don't think. . . vinny? couldn't be. he liked to take the stairs. didn't he? let's hope.

False Positive

17 Jul 2015 6 2 293
whatcha doing? workin' on the car. yeah? which one? the one that might have a chance of actually running one day. so, neither of these two, then, right? I prefer to maintain a positive attitude. while taking the bus? maybe.


04 Feb 1971 7 6 610
there's something spooky about this place. yeah. it feels like there's ghosts here or something. what do you suppose it is? I dunno. but watch your step. might be something down there.

Inherent Vice

27 Sep 2014 5 2 131
what's the plan? whaddya mean? all of a sudden, there's gotta be a plan? well, yeah. isn't that how we do thngs? no that isn't how we do things. we do things that are inherent to our nature. that are what? and because of that, we don't need a plan. you get it? not really. that's ok, because you wouldn't get the plan, either. I wouldn't? I don't think so. it's your nature not to. so that's good then? might as well be.

Mutual Assured Destruction

11 May 2012 4 403
I am so tired, maurice. moi aussie, pierre. tired of all of. . . zis. why don't we. . . you think we should, pierre? yes, why not. ok. fire ze missiles. bon voyage, mes amis. à bientôt. maybe not in zis life. oui, pierre. comme si comme ça.

Meditation for Dummies

11 May 2012 5 1 268
hey louie, boss has a thing he wants us to do. wait! I'm meditating. I'll be at harmonic convergence in a sec! yo. meditate on this: boss wants this thing done now. I gotta be in the right frame of mind. you'll be in the right frame of mind alright, with your brains all over the floor. now that you mention it, I think my harmony's good. get that robe off, put your gun on, and let's move. you got the chips? in the car. all is perfect in the world, then. not for the guy we're going to see. right. maybe not for him.


11 May 2012 4 1 303
I've been visiting your garden, lord. which one is that, archangel? you know, earth. what was once a garden, anyway. not so much now, in many places. no, but I still find beauty, even in the devastation. I'm glad you do. because humans are making a mess of it. they try one's patience, don't they? some do. I don't think I need to name names. anyway, it may not be an issue for long. oh? do you have plans I should know about lord? we'll see. let's just say I've been practicing. with a stray asteroid. practicing, lord? you know, tossing it around here and there. staying in shape?. exercise is healthy, I've heard. humans may not find it very healthy one of these days. I doubt I'll seek their opinion in the matter. no surprise there, lord.

very stable sh*thole

19 Jan 2018 11 4 341
good morning, herr doktor. ah, there you are my boy. recovered from our last experiment, have you? almost, thanks. good! just sit here. what now, doktor? we are testing my new theory on the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit. how will we do that? simple! you're going to watch the president's latest news conference. no! that will be so painful! true, but we'll be swamped with data, believe me.


07 Apr 2012 5 1 331
the mail is here, lord. since when do we get mail, archangel? oh, I opened a new PO box. tired of all the texts, eh? they were a bother. so what's in the mail? no bills, I hope. as if. in fact, you're invited to a wedding. really? that's a first. where? an old ford factory in detroit. now a museum. hmmm. would I have to officiate? oh no, lord. you'd be just a guest. share in the joy. ok, I'll go I suppose. is what's-her-name invited? who? you know, the one I like. artemis? you still have a thing for her? she rocks, archangel. totally killer. if you say so, lord. chapter and verse, archangel.

The Wreckage of Humanity

11 May 2012 4 3 352
dude! yeah? that title. I totally see what you mean! you and I are on the same wavelength! it's so great when two people can communicate like that, and have such a profound innate understanding of each other. man, what the hell are you talking about? "wreckage of humanity?" I get it! this place says it all! this place? I'm not talking about this place. then what are you talking about? you. me? afraid so. oh. ok. well, thanks. don't mention it.

police procedural

13 Dec 2008 3 2 232
captain here? not yet. where you been? he had me on a stake-out all day. see anything? nah. the party wasn't in. how do you know? well, she didn't walk out the front door. what about the back? whaddya mean? you don't know there's a back door? shit! good police work. captain's gonna be thrilled. back door. dammit!


29 Sep 1968 11 6 512
how do I look? great, dave. you look great. cool with the pipe and all? way cool. and my hair? it's all great. can I have my bike back please? oh. sure. thanks.

Basic Transportation

20 Jul 2013 3 1 245
may I help you? yeah, I need something to get around in. how about this little number? it's our latest model. gee, I don't know. it's kinda. . . strange looking. how many bodies do you need to move at one time? bodies? I mean. . . this model can handle 4 quite easily. 4. . . of course, we have more basic designs as well. yeah. I think basic might be what I'm looking for. of course. just make sure that they're, you know, dead, first. dead? before transporting them. we get a lot of calls from lost and confused passengers. quite an inconvenience. I'll bet.

Eat My Dust

20 Jul 2013 7 2 319
hey, man. your place is looking good. yeah, I'm cleaning up. trying to simplify. your life isn't simple already? well, sleeping in the trunk of a car has its issues. I can imagine. probably some major issues. that's what my ex said last night. she left you? yeah. moved into a ford. ouch. that must hurt. totally. the guys at the office have been brutal. I can imagine.

Love Gangster

06 Feb 2015 7 5 446
edna, pack your things. we're going away. where to stanley? a quiet little hideaway. you'll see. oh stanley! just for the two of us? a tiny little love nest all our own. and the servants, of course, right? oh, maybe I can rustle up a few. you are so thoughtful, dear. good breeding. it always shows. it does.

I'm In Jazz

24 Feb 2017 6 1 263
hey marcel. wanna go to the club? sure. who's playing? maybe I will. cool. alls you gotta do is front me the bus fare. yeah? then I'll take care of your cover. how you gonna do that? I'm on the door, you see. I thought you said you'd be playing? I was. with me? what you think? I think the bus is coming. well alright then.

Don't Ask

30 Dec 2017 6 9 333
thanks for showing me your cellar. is that a door? why, yes. it is. what's in there? don't ask. really? really.

1315 photos in total