More gnarled olive trees.

On Explore

HFF number one today (HFF number two tomorrow morn…

28 Jun 2020 39 44 350
Kids' playgrounds are open now but I saw no one at all, neither child nor adult in this square. Very strange. Did they know something I didn't, I wonder?

August 2019, and setting up for the night's fiesta…

14 Aug 2019 27 24 293
Plaza Mayor (town square), Guadarrama, under the ancient and venerable, giant elm tree.

Man and his Man, or Bawden Rocks, or Cow and Calf.

21 Aug 2012 44 32 408
From the coastpath at Newdown's Head, Cornwall

A special building to me, and a tale.

28 Jun 2020 31 53 319
'Why so, Andy?' 'Well, my friends, it is here I first met my girlfriend. Let me explain ...' This is Banco Santander's Madrid base for official functions, banquets, award ceremonies and so on. Their actual head office is some way out of Madrid and covers rather more ground than this palacete (or 'little palace') on the Paseo de la Castellana, but they needed somewhere prestigious and central for functions. Training is also held here so I found myself teaching Business English here in 2012. Half way through the term, a sensational - looking lady burst into my class (all 6 foot 3 of her, legs up to her armpits, flaming shock of red curly hair and a genuine kaftan! I hadn't seen one since the 70s!) Anyway, she said in very cut-glass tones (Spanish cut-glass obviously); "Good afternoon! Sorry to jump straight in like this. You don't know me and I'm not on your student list. But I've just got head office to agree I can join your class. OK?" ... as she proceeded to plonk herself down on the only available seat. Her cheek was in the fact that she never worked for Banco Santander but for the Fundación Santander, a totaly different body and not one that should have enjoyed the same staff perks; but as their own were inferior, she decided to get round the system. She is good at getting what she thinks is her due! She was never added to my list of 'official' students and so to this day I think she pulled a fast one, but bully for her!!! The rest is history!

Mushroom Rock again!

21 Jan 2012 44 22 281
I can't resist showing this favourite rock of mine from time to time!

HFF everyone. (better on full screen).

22 Jun 2020 43 48 360
From the public gardens of the Canal de Isabel II (a waterworks company) across Calle Santa Engracia (my street) and to 'Fire Station Number I, Madrid', the oldest fire station (1892). The light was very bright that day and the pollution non-existant (still far fewer cars on the roads and far fewer planes above - in fact last week I heard a noise and thought; 'what on Earth is that?' ... Of course it was the near-forgotten sound of an aircraft!!)

The Retiro park re-opened a week or so ago.

20 Jun 2020 34 20 264
The park is full of the usual idiots - youngsters in the main- crawling all over each other, sharing food, and drinks from the same bottles, Of course, not a mask to be seen and in groups of what seem like 100s. Why don't the authorities put a firm stop to it? Many will be asymptomatic and contagious. The 2nd wave is already here. They will spread it quickly and put at risk all the self-sacrifice that has gone on before and is still continuing among the more cautious and sensible of the population.


06 Aug 2015 43 27 294
Godrevy Lighthouse and Island from Godrevy Point, Cornwall.

Spookily quiet! Paseo de La Castellana - no traffi…

21 Jun 2020 34 24 253
It doesn't seem to be a Covid thing. On some Sundays sections of this north-south main Madrid axis are closed. I presume for demonstrations or just for the public to enjoy on foot, on bikes, on scooters, roller skates, etc. But honestly I don't know why! However,today it was blocked off along very long sections and there was absolutely no-one around. It's like seeing Oxford Street or the Champs Elysées on a Sunday afternoon without a soul. Unthinkable! And I'm still puzzled! If Prez T was paying a visit to Madrid I could understand it; no crowds would show so no security would be required!

I always liked this modern building at 46 Paseo de…

20 Jun 2020 32 21 257
And yet it's not as modern as it looks, being constructed in 1975 by architects José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez and Ramón Vásquez Molezún. Built with pink granite from local quarries, bronze-coloured glass and red coloured anodised aluminium, it currently houses the offices of the European Parliament in Madrid and the Irish Embassy.

HFF everyone.

18 Jun 2020 40 64 302
The ubiquitous oleander. Well, my park has finally re-opened but there is only one thing one can do and that is enter and leave by one entrance only (five gates are closed. Bad luck if you live on the far side of the park, such as I!). You can walk round the outer edge of the park on the running track but running and jogging are banned. Lesser paths among the rose beds and so on are blocked, all seats are out of bounds as are all the children's play areas and the many cafes and bars. Masks are obligatory as is 2 metres distancing but these last two rules are ignored by many which makes me seethe like little else!

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

17 Jun 2020 26 20 269
An iconic stadium and home of Real Madrid. I thought I had better take a last photo before it is turned into a giant aluminium George Foreman grilling machine. (Thanks to Keith Burton for that analogy! Better than the 'Cornish pasty' I compared it to at first!). I saw the plans a few years ago - I taught English there - so I know of what I speak ...and was horrified! OK, here it is I sincerely believe the current building should be preserved as a cultural and architectural icon. But I am too late as the building work has begun and Real Madrid are playing their revived season's fan-less home match programme at their training complex at Valdebebas to the north-east of Madrid and I presume they will play there until 2023.

Above the fog. A fog which, incidentally, covered…

10 Dec 2011 42 28 313
Cancho Gordo, Sierra de La Cabrera on a foggy day (foggy for the plains and valleys of most of Spain that day that is!) This has to go down as the most enjoyable day I spent in these mountains and there have been many! I started out in thick fog, not knowing if I would clear it!

Parish church at Zarzalejo. I just think it's a cu…

06 Jan 2019 34 20 229
It's in the 'new' town of Zarzalejo Estación, about a mile and a half from the ancient village of Zarzalejo up the road. Behind is the hill of La Machota Chica, a great pile of granite boulders. All very near the great palace of EL Escorial which I always include in the same walk (not least beacause it is the nearest bus station from Madrid). 5 minutes earlier, the congregation, followed by the priest who locked up after all had left, filed out at the end of Sunday's midday mass.

Filthy weather for half an hour. Better on large.

01 May 2012 58 39 388
Generally a pleasant day but for half an hour a snow storm rolled in sharply and I saw it coming and prayed it would be over quickly (I was in t-shirt gear). Thankfully it was short-lived, but a warning to the likes of me that you must always be prepared in the mountains! Even for a snow storm in May!

Porthcadjack Cove, Cornwall. H. A. N. W. E. everyo…

22 Jul 2012 48 36 361
A very sunny day and the colour of the sea was magical! More like Greece than Cornwall! Samphire and Asparagus Islands seen here. Strictly speaking the near island (Samphire) hasn't been an island since a serious cliff fall - about 40 years ago - blocked the channel even at the highest of tides.

On the outside looking in. Parque de Santander, Ma…

09 Jun 2020 39 35 248
My local park is still closed. I'm sure it's because of the much-used running track seen here. It would have been crammed full of joggers, mostly without masks, so the authorities had no choice I suppose.

A little more wisteria (and a bee)

10 Jun 2020 37 30 257
Jardín Enrique Herreros. One of the few parks open in Madrid (and it's tiny!) I certainly didn't spot the bee until long after uploading!

1183 items in total