More gnarled olive trees.

On Explore

View from my sister's place.

25 Dec 2019 29 28 212
Taken at Christmas 2019. I should have saved it for an HFF shot, but never mind!

Parque de Santander, Madrid. H. A. N. W. E. ever…

31 Jul 2020 40 32 303
My local park again.


09 Jul 2012 38 23 278
Cornish coast at Treen North, Zennor Parish, West Penwitth. Yes, I've posted this before but I have no new Cornish shots to show.

A quiet corner

08 Aug 2015 30 18 225
Mum's garden. Saint Day, Cornwall.

Granite country

25 May 2019 46 42 301
La Sierra de La Cabrera - typical granite scenery in these mountains. Possibly better on full screen.

Plaza de Olavide, Madrid

26 Jul 2020 34 32 280
A popular meeting place, with many bars and restaurants. I held many private classes here until online classes became de rigeur four months ago! Typical central Madrid architecture seen here too. Once the site of an ocatagonal steel indoor market - much vaunted when constructed in 1927 as a triumphant avant-guard masterwork, It was demolished in 1974 and this public space was created here instead.

HFF Everyone!

23 Jul 2020 38 41 298
I don't know what this is. All I know is that it is in the grounds of the Isabel II water company.

No idea. Anyone know what this is?

22 Jul 2020 24 24 287
In the public gardens of Nuevos Ministerios. Near the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. There must be a clue in that! After several comments ... Now I see it! It must have been used to break up old road surfaces prior to the laying of new roads. So anywhere between about 1920 and perhaps 1960. Hard to tell!

Newdown's Head, St Agnes, Cornwall

21 Aug 2012 51 46 320
Heather and gorse. A sunny day but a bit of sea mist (or 'fret') came in from time to time.

HFF everyone.

15 Jul 2020 43 43 256
Palm and fence. It's not a private garden but in the grounds of the Employment Ministery, so I had no qualms about privacy issues.

Ralph's Cupboard, Cornwall

10 Aug 2017 50 36 300
Yes, I've posted a few from here before now but it's such an arresting place and it makes your trigger finger itch!

Castellana 77. Azca Business Centre, Madrid.

11 Jul 2020 48 32 289
I know the white tower (Torre Picasso) well, having given 100s of classes there over the years, but I know nothing about the building in the foreground except that I like it! CORRECTION! I looked in Wikipedia and found out that it is called Castellana 77, and was a novelty in its day. Built between 1973 and 1977 by architect Manuel Aymerich Amadiós, its facade is 100% glass and it incorporated these curving solar panels making it the first building fully self-sufficient in energy in Madrid. It was considered 'ultra-modern' at its inception. I think it still looks very modern!

Steam engine or traction engine (I know someone wi…

11 Jul 2020 36 46 342
In the Nuevos Ministerios gardens, Paseo de La Castellana, Madrid (open to the public but, as usual, no-one there!)

HFF everyone!

29 Jun 2020 40 52 352
Plaza de Lima and the Estadio de Santiago Bernabéu (undergoing reconstruction - desecration in my view - but who am I to decry 'progress'?).

My local park and a trumpet vine that needs a bit…

08 Jul 2020 31 27 253
They've opened the inner sections of the park but still don't allow maskless joggers (rightly so). Nevertheless I saw runners enter at walking pace in front of the park attendant at the gate, go round the corner, take off their masks and start jogging. I paused a while and stated matter-of-factly under my mask, 'Selfish murderous tosser', 'Anti-social moron', etc and I amused myself with going through my entire slang repertoire. If they knew enough English (and I'm sure many of the younger ones did) I wasn't challenged, let alone thumped, ... because they know they should be ashamed of themselves.

What is (was) this?

07 Jul 2020 38 41 372
Well its obviously a bridge of some sort in Bellas Vistas, Madrid and I came across it on a walk today. It nagged me that I felt sure I had seen it before and that I knew what it was but had forgotten how, why or when! Well later today I remembered. I had seen it before but from up a tower block where I gave a few classes some years ago. From the student's window it was quite clearly used at one time for carrying a track of some kind but now all there was to see was grass growing there. I asked my student who explained it was part of Madrid's long defunct tramway system! I was pleased that my annoying mental itch earlier in the day had been gently scratched away! Having said all that, I have just seen from Google Maps that its called Aquaducto de Amaniel! So I am again none the wiser! A former guest member wrote; Thank you for showing this interesting bridge. I tried to find some information, and on they say that it is an active aqueduct. The site has been updated a last time actually in 2018 and they show two photos. As I do not know so much spanish, I was not able to collect much information, but for example seems to say something similar. I was not able to find information in connection with a tramway, but at the spanish word "tramo" is being used which might have been misunderstood. I would suppose, in this text, "tramo" stands for construction section (Bauabschnitt, in german) At they show several photos of it, but I do not find a verbal explication at wikipedia sites. Best wishes and have a great day

Parque del Oeste, Madrid

05 Jul 2020 38 26 265
One of the nicest of Madrid's parks, situated on grassy banks and with fine views to the Sierra de Guadarrama. This was the front line in the siege of Madrid in the Civil War and it took a long time, effort and money to restore and improve this park. But 'hats off!!', I think they did a grand job!

Las Agujas del Cancho Gordo.

25 May 2019 47 24 308
Sierra de La Cabrera. This was my last visit, now well over a year ago. In 2011 and 12, I was walking here twice a week. In ideal circumstances I would like to walk here every day!

1183 items in total