More gnarled olive trees.

On Explore

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu in late afternoon autumn…

04 Oct 2020 35 23 252
Slow progress but the new roof supports are nearly up and work stopped due to recent high winds (Alex).

H. A. N. W. E. everyone. Steep path down (even ste…

23 Jul 2012 45 32 254
Tubby's Head mid-distance. Godrevy further on. Cornwall.

An internal (2nd) HFF everyone!

01 Oct 2020 43 48 270
Photography exhibition inside the (empty!) water tower. The metal stairway winds all the way up to the top with exhibits on 5 floors.

Modern art, Jardín de Nuevos Ministerios.

28 Sep 2020 30 27 242
Occasionally, temporary displays of modern art are displayed in this garden, I read the notes seen on the wood here, understood not much, even in the English translation, took a photo of the notes in case anyone was interested but the photo didn't come out. But I quite like it! In the distance (mid-pic) can just be seen the cranes at Real Madrid's stadium.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

11 Aug 2016 36 33 280
La Sierra de La Pedriza in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Granite country.

Torre Picasso. I have given 100s of Business Engli…

19 Aug 2020 34 34 244
I was intrigued by the white hemispheres, most of which seem to be incubating in their little yellow protective boxes (quite cute, really!). But what will they be upon hatching, I wonder?

St Agnes Head

22 Jul 2011 40 22 312
Heather and gorse on the Coast Path above St, Agnes Head, Cornwall.

Sierra de La Cabrera. Cistus, fir and granite.

25 May 2019 39 19 234
Towards the Lozoya Valley. Late spring.

End of summer

20 Sep 2020 41 27 287
Azca Business Centre, Madrid. on z/large and/or, full screen, please,

Las Machotas and San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

21 Oct 2011 35 23 259
A hazy day day (well, that is my excuse!). The palace is about 1/3 in from the left and about 1/3 down.

Anoher piece of Cornish coast no longer there.

19 Aug 2011 44 21 254
H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Above Greenbank Cove, Northcliffs, Cornwall. The Southwest Peninsula Coastpath had already been moved back some years before and you can see a section of the old path here. The following year (2012) and all this had fallen away. Yes, posted before but I like it!

Recent nostalgia.

20 Feb 2020 37 39 248
Not a mask to be seen. Atocha Station, Madrid.

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Works.

15 Sep 2020 33 34 256
It looks like the roof supports are in place, at least on this side.

Rock window

13 Sep 2013 41 30 260
Sierra de La Cabrera granite. There are a number of great rock windows in this granite sierra.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

15 Jun 2012 40 36 308
Cantueso. The name of this lavender variety. It used to be thought of as the same as a similar-looking Provençal variety; it looks the same. But DNA profiling proved it was distinct. By the way, the two top 'petals' are in fact modified leaves. ADDED NOTE: It seems I was misinformed. This Wilki link is more accurate and up-tp-date!


07 Sep 2020 33 29 258
Why this sign is in English totally beats me! I doubt if many of the construction workers speak it all that much! Pleased to see everyone wearing masks. I will take a break from these Stadium / cranes shots for a while and resume when anything more interesting happens, such as the roof finally going on.

Parque del Oeste, Madrid

06 Sep 2020 30 20 208
Possibly my favourite Madrid park.

Ongoing. H. A. N. W. E. everyone.

03 Sep 2020 34 24 266
The continuing 'improvements' to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

1183 items in total