More gnarled olive trees.

On Explore

Rock window, Sierra de La Cabrera

25 May 2019 54 40 319
Granite rock window. Overlooking the Valley of Bustarviejo. This was taken on 25 May, last year. I haven't walked anywhere in the Sierra since. Please take my word for it; this is a true rock window - I just couldn't quite get all four walls in the shot. I see photos from this Sierra on various sites but never this view. Why? Because to get here you need to scramble and to take (calculated) risks. It's never clear that you will get to a panoramic view or a rock window until it suddenly appears! Plus, there are no restaurants anywhere near so a Spaniard wouldn't even consider a walk here. 'Sandwiches!!!!!!- Are you kidding??'

A Madrid park in early summer

19 Jun 2016 30 21 261
Almost an English woodland glade! Parque de El Capricho, Madrid suburbs.

HFF everyone

18 Jun 2018 60 61 405
Street art, Madrid and the Cuatro Torres

More granite

15 May 2018 31 26 277
La Sierra de La Cabrera. My favourite Mushroom Rock can be seen from here but only the cap; the stalk is hidden. Can you see it? Clue: it's on the horizon.

Sunset over Chamberí, Madrid

25 Oct 2013 55 30 360
From the roof terrace of a flat I stayed at for a couple of years.

Las Machotas (again, best on large and full screen…

21 Oct 2011 29 16 251
El Fraile from Collado de Entrecabezas. Granite extravaganza.

Sierra de Guadarrama. Best on large and full scree…

14 Oct 2011 38 27 281
From Riofrio, to Mondalindo in the mid distance and on the horizon, L to R; Sierra de San Pedro, La Pedriza, La Cuerda Larga, La Bola del Mundo, and Peñalara (the highest peak in the mountains here). La Sierra de La Cabrera is behind me.

HFF, everyone!

16 Aug 2012 48 48 330
Monkey Hut, Outer harbour wall. Portreath, Cornwall.

Southern Summer Light, in granite country

11 Aug 2016 39 25 242
The Sierra de La Pedriza; its less frequented eastern flank.

Cornish granite

08 Aug 2015 32 25 300
On the Southwest Peninsula Coastpath between Logan Rock and Penberth cove.

Gwennap, Cornwall

13 Jul 2012 38 26 242
Nowadays, Gwennap hamlet is in St Day Parish. However, until the late 18th century - when St Day became the major tin, copper and arsenic-mining centre of the world, St Day was in Gwennap parish. Today, both places are utterly insignificant, and all the better for that!!

Old Madrid. A quiet corner

16 Mar 2012 33 19 194
Madrid has some pleasant corners such as this.

HFF, everyone!

26 Sep 2019 53 50 270
A weekly journey to a take a class I no longer make! This footbridge crosses a dual carriageway. On the horizon is a section of the Sierra de Guadarrama (from La Maliciosa on the left to La Cuerda Larga on the right).

Poppy field

01 May 2016 46 27 360
Poppy field near Algete, Madrid Province.

Sennen in the distance.

04 Aug 2018 47 33 357
Carn Gloose or Gluze, Ballowall, Saint Just, Cape Cornwall. Granite scenery.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

15 May 2011 31 24 299
Monasterio Convento de San Julian y San Antionio below its granite backdrop of Las Canchos Largo, Gordo y de La Bola.

A Pedraza corner

05 Oct 2012 50 42 334
A quiet corner in this well-preserved medieval town, an hour and a half's drive from Madrid and a magnet for weekend diners (I think there are more restaurants than year-round residents here!) One of my first excursions outside Madrid with my girlfriend and I have very fond memories of this visit! My first of many visits to this town and yet it seems like weeks ago, not 7 and a half years ago!

Porthcadjack, Asparagus and Samphire Islands from…

14 Aug 2015 61 44 452
South West Peninsula Coastpath. Computer playing up again. I might have another enforced absence for a while :o( Stay safe everyone!

1183 items in total