HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

Sky and country

13 Sep 2022 59 34 245
Another of my sister's from her house. I like the way the sun just kisses the golden fields here. Looks pretty good to me on large! Sight and Sound, simply because we can easily forget how great they were. www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HfkSzsyh1E

Rose garden, El Retiro

08 May 2019 45 31 278
Rosa Daniel Gelin. Out of season but I thought a cheerful shot might help dispel some wintry blues!


27 Jun 2022 42 38 185
Terrace view. I live here and it seems I also live in Cornwall. Too complicated to explain, but certainly a dilemma..

HANWE everyone! A Madrid parish church.

15 Sep 2022 35 19 199
Parroquia del Santisimo Cristo de la Victoria. I had no idea when I took this shot that in only a few days time I would be back in Cornwall where I still am! I like this church and small, unpretentious and pleasing little square. However, I screw my nose up at that 'no dogs' sign! How absurd and vindictive even!

Path between Algete and Fuente del Saz de Jarama

03 May 2016 44 24 267
I took a few late summer shots from this path earlier this year and the aridity contrasts markedly with this spring shot. On the horizon is the Sierra de Guadarrama, also known as the Montañas de Madrid. Better perhaps on large (especially to view the poppy fields)..

HFF, everyone!

30 May 2015 43 43 215
From the Roman road near El Escorial. Perhaps view on large for details of the granite-flecked hills (Las Machotas) and the deserted farmhouse. The tree is a mature encina (holm oak) and is pretty ubiquitous - and much loved - in many parts of Spain

HANWE & Happy New Year everyone (but with fewer of…

09 Nov 2022 43 37 218
Another of my sister's shots. I've been delighted with the great skyscapes we've been getting!

Granite playground

08 Apr 2012 45 34 250
One of my New Year resolutions is to get back here this year and resume my walking / scrambling / photography among these rocks!

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

05 Nov 2015 33 24 213
The nerve centre of the largest world empire up to that time - Phillip II's imposing palace / monastery. Worth a look on large and further for the palace detail.

La Sierra de La Cabrera - granite extravaganza!

19 Aug 2015 41 28 240
I have a very strong need to get back walking here again. It's been four years now, what with one thing after another, but I aim to get up there this Spring for the Spring wildflower show (so last 2 weeks in May in reality).

La Sierra de La Cabrera from the other side (see p…

04 Dec 2015 34 14 216
This is from the south and shows the steeper rise to the crest of the ridge. It was a slightly hazy autumn day and I went for a slightly hazy look. Therefore not worth enlarging for detail; there isn't any! Sight and Sound; The best pop song of all time in my opinion and that of John Peel. www.youtube.com/watch?v=PinCg7IGqHg

HFF everyone!

09 Sep 2018 51 56 263
Looking north over Madrid from a hotel roof terrace on the Gran Via. (A cousin of Marta's was staying here and invited us for cocktails). It wasn't a bad sky that evening either! Sight and Sound. A Janis classic (I can never have enough of Janis Joplin) www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-irXmqIzGA

HANWE, everybody! Does granite have a heart? Obvio…

30 Sep 2012 35 21 203
Sierra de La Cabrera with the brooding hulk of Mondalindo behind. Possibly better on large to view the granite shapes in more detail.

Granite and not much else.

08 Jan 2012 42 29 217
La Sierra de La Cabrera. Fantastic walking / scrambling country. Shot taken on a bitterly cold January day (I know it looks like high summer!) Song for Laura. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMTEtDBHGY4

HFF everyone!

06 Jan 2019 61 47 337
I think it can truly be called a fence, in a strictly minimalistic sense! From the Roman Road near El Escorial. This holm oak (encina in Spanish) is a pretty fine specimin imho! The skyline follows the crest of La Sierra de Guadarrama. I always had a soft spot for this gentle little pop song by this well known popular beat combo. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVwA5wVnwaE

foggy Jarama Valley

12 Mar 2022 46 22 248
My sister's shot from the house. I'd long forgotten this song but it seems a perfect classic rock song of its time, the early 70s. And it certainly sounds better to me today than when it was released when I was all into Hendrix, Joplin and so on! Sight and Sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9EbR0ckb40

My old friend, the Guardian of the Mountains

01 May 2012 48 31 274
Cancho Largo, Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite country. Great hill walking and scrambling to be had here.

Sunrise over Hortaleza Madrid.

19 Feb 2013 40 31 212
I never posted this and I wonder why. Maybe because it's not as spectacular as some of the other sunrises I captured from this high rise flat I lived in in 2012 / 13. But I like those cloud formations. And I just noticed - 10 years ago! ...and it seems like yesterday!

1838 items in total