HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

Misery! Calima strikes again!

15 Jun 2022 42 50 249
Calima:- Saharan dust storm. What should have been a glorious, if hot, day totally ruined by what has become a far too frequent occurance! The temperature was 39ºC so not even any let up from the heat! Miserable indeed! For the complete gloomy effect, best on full screen!

HFF everyone - and more venerable olive trees!

09 Jun 2022 53 92 297
A local park. I've taken similar shots before as the railings and trees seem to go well together!

Rocky Mountain Way. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

01 May 2012 40 31 277
Granite everywhere in the Sierra de La Cabrera! Best on full screen. I`ve never been the greatest Eagles fan but have always liked this one from Joe Walsh. www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fz-mHGXgzs

Calima clearing

19 Jun 2022 51 58 266
My brother-in-law's pride and joy - part of his fruit and veg garden. The mountains could be seen on the horizon for the first time in a week as the Saharan dust cloud (calima) began to disperse. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtHalPgCE2s I don't think Percy Grainger quite had this sort of garden in mind, but you never know! I've been told that the ripening corn in the fields is wheat and barley. These were the poppy fields of years past (a few photos scattered through my album), but the modern farmer needs to maximise yield and poppies play no part in his thinking. Full screen please.

Valdemanco beehives

29 Dec 2011 58 67 282
These beehives were stolen too often and so the villagers move them to a different location every few years. Here it is not on any path and when I chatted with the bar owner later he was a bit put out that I had found them! (The next time I came this way, maybe a couple of months later, they had been moved once more!).

HFF everyone! (Tuscany or Central Spain? - see not…

22 Jun 2022 61 82 318
Difficult to see but the harvest was taking place and the distant hum of the combine harvesters kept going until well past 11 pm every day this past week. My niece (whose home this is of course, although she has been a doctor on Lanzarote these past 5 years) says this view reminds her of Tuscany (she studied medicine on an Erasmus couse a decade or so ago in Florence, so she should know!). Except that ... the world famous impression that Tuscany is full of poplars is quite wrong! This only came about because of a famous photo of an aristocratic estate where the owner had decided to have poplars planted on his lane leading uphill to his palacio. The photo became popular, the rest is history .. and a misconception! Please, best on large and then on large again!

Local steps near the house ... and no bench, even…

27 Jun 2022 53 80 253
I try to do these steps at least twice a day as part of my rehabillitation programme, and today I can proudly relate that I didn't have to stop for a breather once, for the first time! It may look easy but there are 98 steps and try doing it in the height of a Spanish summer! And only 2 months ago I was reliant on my walker / zimmer frame! So Isabel, bring on those mountains! :o) www.youtube.com/watch?v=fayL1WTR1Go Just because I like it!

The back of the house (top 1/3 only) - directly be…

27 Jun 2022 73 86 310
The previous shot of the steps was about 20 feet away from this shot, There are three tiers to the house at the back and only one at the front as it is situated on this steep slope.

Golden glow from ripening barley and fig tree fore…

27 Jun 2022 54 57 243
Another shot of the view from the garden. I reckon the figs will be ripe in about a month ("sooner than that" says my brother-in-law and he will probably be right; I was thinking of my 4 fig trees in my London garden years ago!).

HFF, everyone!

23 Jun 2022 65 76 312
Just a few yards down our street where can be found better views of the Sierra de Guadarrama. My sister's shot.

H. A. N. W. E. Everyone! Sunrise from the house.

30 Jun 2022 56 59 251
Another of my sister's shots. I think I can now gracefully retire! Best on full screen.

Sunlit storm cloud. (Best on full screen).

02 Jul 2022 56 47 367
A strange situation; over the mountains and into Segovia Province, they had a succession of storms all day while we had unrelenting blue skies. Only late evening, as I relaxed with a glass of something alright, did I see the storm clouds and the edges caught by the rapidly sinking sun.

Las Agujas de El Cancho Gordo

25 May 2019 78 81 331
Sierra de La Cabrera granite forms. This was in May 2019, the last time I walked in these mountains. Best on large.

Spring wildflowers, La Sierra de La Cabrera

15 May 2018 50 50 249
In among other wildflowers can be seen dwarf daffodils, Spanish harebells (bluebells) and wild tulips.

HFF, Everyone!

07 Jul 2022 56 65 291
Algete's parish church and Constitution Square on a blisteringly hot afternoon. The centre of the town where I live (about 40 minutes walk all uphill from here!) I thought I may have inadverdantly caught myself in the mirror opposite, but it seems not! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkEd3WgR8qw

Another gnarled olive tree. H. A. N. W. E. everyon…

09 Jul 2022 54 55 264
This local park is full of them and is called Olive Tree Park (I wonder why!). www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsTf3gZn27k for those that might have wondered what happened to Eric Burdon and his fabulous blues voice after the Animals and House of the Rising Son and, no, it has nothing to do with the photo, I just like it!

From the edge.

01 May 2012 52 50 264
Sierra de La Cabrera with the town of La Cabrera below and an interested Griffon vulture or three hovering centre stage! (As a side note, directly below where the central vulture hovers, and on the horizon, is Algete, where I currently live). Maybe best on full screen, if only to emphasis the vastness of the Castillian Plain.

Playground, Parque Frederico Garcia Lorca, Algete,…

09 Jul 2022 53 61 294
Far too hot for children to play out of doors! (41ºC in the shade). In the far distance, on the right is the Sierra de La Cabrera which looks minuscule from here! (See previous upload for note on Algete's position from there!) Another shot from my twice-weekly walk to the shops! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYy716zmXcM no reason, I just like it!

1838 items in total