HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

H. A. N. W. E. everybody

01 May 2012 73 80 337
Granite shapes, La Sierra de La Cabrera. This strange hanging rocky shape fell to the ground a year or two after I took this shot.

Miracle of Peru.

13 Jul 2022 40 40 247
Miracle of Peru ( allamanda neriifolia ) aka Missouri primrose, golden butterfly, mirabilis jalapa. Also in red and white. A bright and cheerful plant in the garden .

One of the two Torres Kio, Madrid (Torre Kio Este)…

19 Jul 2022 45 40 243
Revolutionary for the early 1990s, these leaning towers were a noted landmark and perhaps still are, even if the nearby Cuatro Torres now steal their limelight. The main bus terminal for buses to the north lies underground here on many levels. I just missed my bus by seconds so had two hours to wait for the next one (a much reduced summer 'service'!). With time to kill I went for a walk and took this shot on a whim. This wikipedia entry may be of interest; es-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Puerta_de_Europa?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

My picnic table.

26 May 2012 66 111 326
Well, I haven't shown my favourite picnic table for quite some time and I'm not sure whether I've posted this exact same shot before but even I have, I feel it's worth another airing! Better maybe on full screen.

A belated HFF everyone! I MUST BE BATS!!

22 Jul 2022 45 56 251
Why bats? Because I was attempting to capture at least one clear shot of the pipistrelle bats that come out to feeds at dusk! They simply move much too fast! Oh well, there is one fairly obvious bat here and maybe two. These bats roost in next door's eaves and are accepted happily for one very important reason and that is they help to keep the mosquito population way down and for that I am extremely grateful! The bat is easier to see on large!

Punky says hello again!

25 Jul 2022 35 40 205
I'm sure you all remember Punky! Well, he's pleased and incredibly proud to announce the birth of a little Punkette, straight out of his 'hair' of course! Take a bow, Punky! www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkUKY9ubUFo Sight and sound. Entirely sensible sentiments, expressed forcefuly and not necessarily all that musically! Nonetheless I include it at Punky's request!

HFF, everyone!

27 Jun 2022 50 60 252
A view from the upper (third tier) terrace down to the back garden and vegetable patch.

H. A. N. W. E. everybody!

23 Jul 2022 50 58 236
A new oleander sprouted here this year, beside the lower terrace.

HFF everyone! Not quite a tornado, but damned clos…

02 Aug 2022 67 92 264
The storm and storm cloud seen here had been above us about 15 minutes beforehand and with almost tornado-like gusts of wind! All the garden furniture was scattered around the neighbours' gardens and we acquired a fair sprinkling of theirs! Figs still not ripe.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

29 Aug 2019 60 63 290
My sister's shot from 3 years ago. Another dramatic sky! Best on full screen.

Picnic table again.

15 May 2018 61 69 289
Well it's sufficiently different to the last one to merit another airing, I think!

Torres Kio and the hypodermic needle, Plaza de Cas…

08 Aug 2022 41 40 224
Another missed bus (by seconds and a two hour wait), so another photo opportunity. The golden needle like structure was added to this site just before I came to live and work here. It doesn't seem to be liked much; hence the nickname you see in my title! (La Aguja hipodérmica in Spanish). I think the heat of the day comes through in this shot!

HFF everyone! Figs now ripe and delicious!

09 Aug 2022 54 71 260
Same fig tree - looking towards the back of the house. Simply irrestible! Sight and Sound, I haven't heard this in decades. Here it is now; www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrGw_cOgwa8

Woodshed at night.

30 Sep 2013 64 53 316
The town of Maderuelo in Segovia Province is yet another town that has seen far better days. Now very run down due to de-population, it nevertheless retains enough interest for tourists and still has a few decent restaurants and bars. Perhaps marginally better on full screen.

View from the dining room window.

17 Aug 2022 52 86 266
Today was a relief in that the recent calima (Saharan dust cloud), and the smoke from the wild-fires in Portugal and Western Spain finally cleared, leaving a lovely view for the first time in about a week! Perhaps better on full screen. Added extra little titbit (I'm not American so it's titbit OK?); bottom left hand corner of the shot is the top of a pot of basil. Usually they last 1 to 2 weeks and then they expire and you buy another on your next shop (very cheap). But this hardy little bugger has been happily thriving for a couple of months now - almost to the point when I'll have to think up a name for it as it has almost become part of the family! Any suggestions for a name? Please let me know!!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

17 Aug 2022 69 75 346
Evening sky from the upper terrace. (The setting sun is behind me).

More miracle of Peru.

13 Aug 2022 41 47 263
It opens its blooms when the sun goes in! This is an evening shot after the sun had gone down. Sight and Sound - I like this song, I haven't heard it in maybe 30 years but I think it's great and the guitarist was on fire. Terry Kath is underrated but Jimi Hendrix liked him so enough said! www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uAUoz7jimg

Trumpet vine

22 Aug 2022 63 73 321
A street near me. (Algete street scene 1) These dramatic flowers are fairly common here. They look especially good against a granite wall and with a view to the distant Guadarrama mountains. A blue sky helps too! Also everything is as was! No editing at all, no cropping, no enhancements whatsoever. The light yesterday was so pure that I could have read the small print off a can of coke (if I had been so inclined) without my reading glasses! Sight and sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NR-hmFrR20 - by the late great Tim Buckley. Simply because it's a summery kind of song and with summer on the way out soon, I get a bit of a sadness creeping in. This song helps cheer me up. By the way, younger members might recognise the name of his talented son; Jeff Buckley. Sadly, both died young and both by drowning. Perhaps best on full screen.

1838 items in total