HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

Another storm approaching! Will they ever end?

05 Jun 2023 15 15 118
Algete street scene no. 18. Calle de Paloma - one of the three main streets in Algete, looking down to the main square and parish church., caught in the last of today's sunlight. Maybe worth a look on large.

Poppy field and the hill of Valderrey

03 Jun 2023 37 38 258
Where I live for the time being. Algete street scene no. 19. Not strictly a street but it is still named as the old road to Fuente El Saz and the return route is, not surprisingly, referred to as the old road to Algete and as this lies within Algete parish (just), I think it counts. Poppies seen here. Better perhaps on large!

Poppy field

03 Jun 2023 55 47 325
The sun went behind a cloud briefly, giving a differently nuanced timbre to the colour scheme of this poppy field. Not too bad on large and then large again. Sight and Sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsJ_N5tBgVM

La Sierra de La Cabrera

22 Jun 2012 39 36 223
Where I had planned to walk today and catch the last of the spring flowers. But today was just about the wettest June day on record so I ventured nowhere near! But I hope to get up there fairly soon, and before the relentless summer heat kicks in, which it will do in a week or two! This shot was a taken at midsummer but here, high up, it is still showing Spring wildflowers so I still have some hope!

The dullest and wettest day I can ever remember! H…

07 Jun 2023 30 34 198
I got it wrong! I thought the cloud might dissipate during the day. Instead it got progressively wetter and duller. Completely weird for June in Spain. It was cold too! The cupola of San Lorenzo de El Escorial can be seen almost in cloud. Luckily it was open so I had a good look around. Sadly, no photos were allowed inside :o( To cheer me up, if nobody else, a touch of Jimi at his funkiest! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elitg1mB5C8

An improvement in the weather today! HANWE everyon…

09 Jun 2023 13 8 88
Algete has a surprisingly large number of agreeable green spaces such as this, seen on a walk to the shops. Nothing special but it's all grist to the mill!

Cancho de La Bola

09 Apr 2011 35 30 235
Normally home to many Griffon vultures but they were all out as I clambered over it. An oldie but still a favourite as it gives a good feel for the spectacular granite forms. I 'note' where the vultures usually like to hang out. La Sierra de La Cabrera. Unsure if posted on ipernity previously.


13 Jun 2023 40 35 176
Today, three thunderstorms and a sunset. Sight and Sound. Worth a listen. Canned Heat did well to record this and make it well known at Woodstock. It's a blues gem from 1928! www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8NJ-MIfFHI

Kayakers. HANWE everyone!

15 Jun 2023 15 12 98
Buitrago is surrounded on three sides by a fairly recent reservoir but it has the feeling more of a grandiose moat as it laps the town walls! This is a twin shot with my next upload as both were taken from exactly the same spot.

Buitrago del Lozoya. Town walls.

15 Jun 2023 39 29 160
I like the warm tones of these walls. And taken from the exact same spot as my previous upload. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm9UadB7XvE Sixto Rodriguez. Worth a listen,

Battlements. Buitrago del Lozoya.

15 Jun 2023 32 20 193
It was a large town by medieval standards and the battlements go a long way round! In the distance the Sierra de Guadarrama marking the borders of Madrid and Segovia provinces, although for many centuries this area was claimed by Segovia and they even went to war over it. (Madrid won in the end)..

Typical 'anvil' shaped thunder cloud and storm app…

18 Jun 2023 12 10 126
Another humdinger of a storm this evening with huge hailstones. And predictions for more of the same this coming week. ( - As if we haven't had enough already!). Sight and Sound: Well, it just had to be this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G2-FPlvY58

Dawn this morning.

19 Jun 2023 38 22 204
My sister's shot and taken from exactly the same spot as the previous upload of this evening's storm! (totally by co-incidence!) Sight and sound. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm9UadB7XvE&list=RDGMEMSXVAzroJmjGomFuKt8TQEAVMJm9UadB7XvE&start_radio=1


15 Jun 2023 31 22 138
The battlements and a lamp at Buitrago del Lozoya. When I last visited in 2015, there was no access to the castle or battlements (which extend all around what was a large town for the period - late middle ages) due to serious works. I was surprised to see that they only seemed to be about half way there but at least some sections of the battlements are now open. More to follow. Sight and sound: because I like this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=he5Cj3S1iJQ

Storm cloud

18 Jun 2023 14 11 108
The same one as two shots back and earlier in the day. It just seemed to sit there getting bigger and bigger until it was directly overhead and emptied its load. Fortunately the only (mild) damage was a flooded garage - a regular occurence - and a neightbour's tree blasted to smithereens! It could have been far worse!

Buitrago del Lozoya. Castle and church.

15 Jun 2023 29 17 160
You can't enter the castle and judging by the state those walls are in, that's a good call by the authorities!

Torre Picasso.

20 Jun 2023 11 6 122
Once the tallest building in Spain (between 1988 and 2007, when the four towers were nearing completion). I'm fond of it. I probably took more classes here than in any one other building in my teaching career in Madrid.

Personification of Spain!

13 Oct 2012 42 36 243
I was amazed when I saw the outline of a map of Spain through this rock window! OK, it's not a perfect outline but you couldn't get much better! La Sierra de La Cabrera and the Bustarviejo Valley.

1838 items in total