Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*'s favorite articles

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  • 2021-01-08 Club News

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) The external IT costs invoiced so far for troubleshooting of the upload problem amount to 7,912 EUR. This unforeseen burden on our club's coffers is eased by many donations, which meanwhile add up to 2,557 EUR *) . We sincerely thank all donors. For further debugging, an IT specialist has contacted us who is related to a club me…

  • 2021-01-01 Happy New Year!

    ⏩ Deutsche Version ⏩ Version française Dear members and friends of ipernity, A turbulent year ends. In everyday life, we were confronted with incidents that were not even vaguely imaginable at the start of the year. And with regard to our website we also encountered some very critical challenges. In spring, we were struck by an interruption in the connection to PayPal. The cause was that our website was using outdated software that PayPal no longer accepted. In summer, a se…

  • Souviens toi de moi...

    Je vous vois en 2012
    Alors là c'est certain il fallait vraiment s'en souvenir quand même de cet évènement. Pour ma part je l'avais complètement oublié et d'ailleurs peu importe, ces trucs là vous savez , j'ai fini par ne plus y faire attention du tout car souvent cela se reproduit chaque année un peu comme les anniversaires. Alors pourquoi en parler et même écrire sur le sujet, bref j'espère que vous m'avez compris comme avait dit le Général aux français défaillants avant de mettre la clef sous la porte: "Je…

  • Il faut sauver le Père Noël...!En 2020....!

    Pere Noël sur les chemins...
    Le Père Noël, cet obscur objet du désir de tous les enfants qui l'ont rencontré au moins une fois sur une photo que leurs parents ont faite, un jour comme cela au détour d'un chemin commercial. La question est bien là: Est il sauvable ? A-t-il assez vécu comme cela, depuis le temps qu'il est en service commandé ? Chaque année , il nous promet monts et merveilles, et à force bien sûr, on arrive à s'y attacher, c'est évident. Lui, bien sûr est attaché à sa légende, et du coup depuis des anné…

  • Tu n'as pas rêvé...!

    A 17h10, tu n'as pas rêvé, tu as bien pour une fois raté ton train et là crois moi , ce n'est pas un rêve du tout. En effet d'habitude tu te fiais, comme à chaque fois sur les retards intempestifs réputés de la S.N.C.F. , et là ce coup-ci pour une fois le train était parti à 17h05 pétantes, comme prévu sur les horaires. Et toi , tu t'imaginais vraiment que ce serait comme d'habitude et dans ton esprit il te semblait impossible de rater ton train. Bon, alors pour ton réveillon, c'est donc bie…

  • Club News 2020-12-15

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Since the reboot on December 4, our website has been working perfectly again, except for the malfunction of the upload function. No data has been lost. Browsing the ipernity website is possible without any problems, as well as commenting, rearranging, or downloading released content. 2) Unregistered visitors from the web d…

  • 2020-12-24 Merry Christmas!

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Unfortunately, our IT specialists were not able to repair the disruption of the upload function before Christmas. The cause is that the Amazon cloud no longer accepts the previous data transfer protocol. Solving this problem is extremely difficult, because the ipernity software is very complex, and any documentation is rather limited.…

  • Et si un jour...

    Et si un jour...
    Et si un jour, l’encre de ma plume Séchait au vent de l’amertume, Que deviendrais-je sans mes rimes : Une pauvre chose sans doute infime Où bien un cœur sans âme et sans joie Que rien ne saurait réchauffer du désarroi ? Je veille à la chandelle dans le silence De mes nuits, gribouillant tes absences Aux cieux sans étoiles et sans lune. Je pleure, désolation importune,…

  • Club News 2020-12-04

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We thank you for the patience and sympathy we received during the downtime of the ipernity website. By now the ipernity website has been successfully rebooted. As far as we can see, no data or subscriptions have been lost. In individual cases, however, double uploads may have occurred. Please check your accounts for this and clea…

  • Club News 2020-11-20

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Today we would like to thank Google first of all. As announced on the Google Blog , beginning June 2021 the company will end the distorting practice of offering unlimited free storage space for photos in its cloud. 2) Even more pleasing is the fact that ipernity was mentioned in the specialised media in October 2020…

  • Newsflash 2020-10-24

    Update Explore/Keywords
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The 'ipernity advertising' group , in which we bundle all advertising activities for ipernity, now has 77 members. We are pleased about the lively participation. 2) In this group, a small active subgroup YouTube has now formed, producing short videos to improve our presence on YouTube. Here are the latest produ…

  • L’île des Naufragés ...pour mieux comprendre l'argent...1er épisode sur 2

    Une fable pour comprendre l'argent L’île des Naufragés 2 par Michel Portal “L'Île des Naufragés” est un des premiers écrits du canadien Louis Even. Cette fable a permis à bien des gens de comprendre l’argent. Vous en trouverez ici une adaptation (2010 Version 0.0) et aurez peut-être des suggestions pour parfaire le travail entamé. 1. Sauvés du naufrage Une explosion a détruit leur bateau. Les survivants se sont agrippés aux premières pi…

  • Newsflash 2020-10-09

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The ipernity advertising group , in which we are bundling future advertising activities for our club, now has 60 members. We are pleased about the great interest and active participation . 2) The list of photo bloggers , which belongs to this group, already has 45 entries. If you know other photo bloggers, add…

  • Newsflash 2020-09-25

    2020-0923 Timeline of Club Memberships (last 2 Years)
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) In technical and economic terms, we have achieved a lot since we have managed ipernity ourselves. Now is the time to make this great progress public in order to attract new club members because the stock of registered accounts is exhausted: [a] Non-renewal of 2-year subscriptions wh…

  • Automne

    Désir d'Automne***********
    Le vent joue sa complainte automnale Naissante dans le dernier silence estival. Déjà jaunissent les arbres aux parures verdoyantes Tandis que flamboie la nature mourante. L’été s’en va doucement sur la pointe des pieds. L’oiseau chante la mélodie d’un songe envolé. Ses joyeux trilles hésitent et il se tait, étonné. C’est le temps béni des vendanges où tout change. Septembre adouci va laisser tristem…

  • Newsflash 2020-09-11

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) In the comments to the last Newsflash again many suggestions for improvement were made. We will do our best to fulfill them. However, it is not possible to make changes that require modifications of the database. With a ten-year-old database recording millions of uploads, ratings and comments linked together, the risk of causing critical follow-up problems would be too great. 2) Technical support would be helpful to accelerate the proce…

  • Newsflash 2020-08-28

    Frontpage 2020 (4:3 and 16:9) English
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) More than 250 club members have already subscribed for several years. This indicates great confidence in the future of ipernity. In addition, contributions for subsequent years are already being paid into the club's budget. This enables us to begin those modernisation measures that can only be carried out with the help of external service providers earlier than intended. 2) Of the more than 120 new club registrations of 2019, only 58 ar…

  • Newsflash 2020-08-21

    2020-08-21 Update of the album pages of ipernity
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We have eliminated the blue underlining of links, which some users found annoying. This means that we no longer follow the recommendations for barrier-free web design, but we do achieve a clearer overall impression. 2) Following the desire voiced by some members, the mouse-over effect of the top right drop down menu, which is underneath your member name, has been removed. You must now actively click the button to open the menu. 3)…

  • Newsflash 2020-08-07

    Illustration to Newsflash 2020-08-07
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) As announced last Friday, we have now released the trial version with the extended display options . At first it is only available in the English version, so that you can compare the previous and the new version by changing the language. As always, we ask for constructive optimization suggestions. The current changes only affect the “Photos” page (both your own and other members'), and the display options for them. The left hand panel was…

  • Newsflash 2020-07-10

    Comparison of "What's hot!" versions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Updating the operating software of our servers with the support of innovations ON went without major difficulties. 2) The interruption in the automated PayPal payment process has thus been resolved. PayPal payments are now handled promptly again. 3) Next, innovations ON will take care of the credit card payment options that have been idle for over two years. If everything goes as expected, those options will be available again shortl…

682 articles in total