Group: Benches of the World

Installation 27

Galway, Shop Street, Statue of Oscar Wilde and Edu…

en attendant Halloween....

Smomby HFF !!!

Espace Coca-Cola

Fête de l'automne à TERRA BOTANICA

Romantic night out

В парке Александрия, Скамейка декабристов / In the…

Avalon Harley vol 2

Avalon Harley vol 1

Ludwigslust, Schloßstraße

A Picnic Place in the Forest

Crème glaçée sur bardeau / Sorvete na telha

Hastings Pier from above - 18.10.2018

Jamais seul quand la nature t'entoure

Der Main bei Mühlheim - HDR

Erntedank in St. Josef, Rappenbügl

Beech Hill Country House, Bench around the Tree

S'asseoir dans le calme / A slight lack of paintin…

Kihikihi Main Street

Park at Bewdley

Beech Hill Country House, Bench and Table around t…

A place to watch the autumn sunset

Mitfahrerbank (3 PiP)

Pepsi Nicaraguayen

Тростянецкий дендропарк, Скамейка / Trostyanets Ar…

La pendule d'argent…