Group: " A Yin & Yang group - Light & Shadow - Licht & Schatten - Lumière & Ombre "

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Vorarlberg, Österreich

Soleil sur le clocheton à Pleurtuit (35)

Château du Montmarin (35)

Flåm Norvège


House of the Beautiful Courtyard.

Back at the coffee shop

Samenblätter eines Ahorns und Sonnenaufgang

Mittelspecht in der Februarsonne

Christrose - Orientalis- Hybride.

Feels like a Hummingbird

Silvery, solitary afternoon

Jouvenseaux : panni stesi tra i fiori

City composting yard

Metal architecture

A Fine Day for a Ferry Ride

Path to the Vicarage and a fence for Friday

Spring messengers in Cancale

Den Bosch, benedendieze

Il Lampione e la sua ombra

Frühlingserwachen - Spring awakening

in the silence of your mind
