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  • So you want to -- power a telescope & camera

    The power requirements will change as you progress from using a tripod + camera to a (small) tracking telescope with a SLR and up to a more complex setup using auto-guiding (with a laptop), a larger mount, CCD-imager & dew- heater(s). In this article, I describe the more successful implementations & outline the way, technological improvements have kept up with the increasing demand for DC power for a mobile telescope setup.

  • Vivre dans une tasse de café, ça vous dit ?

    Vous en rêviez ? Un designer brésilien l'a fait.

  • Kaffeetante.

    I confess: that's what I am, I am addicted to coffee. :-) And I think it's my mother's fault... or was it my grandpa when he fed me coffee with a spoon when I was a baby... ;-) It doesn't matter anymore... I drink a lot of coffee. At work, at home, when "on the road". At home, we usually drink Senseo coffee. Even though I think it's not the best coffee out there it's a very convenient way of making a fresh cup of coffee. I prefer it to filter coffee at home because I tend to forget that there…