One Pair........Two Pears.

Still Life/Tabletop Photography


29 Jul 2023 28 28 98
At the beginning of August I posted a black and white image of these very same pebbles, which I had found on the beach at Budleigh Salterton, in Devon. I'd forgotten that I also had a colour version with the pebbles in a different configuration. so here it is. Better late than never. I hope you like it.

Musical Buttons

21 Sep 2023 23 35 95
My wife found some guitar-shaped wooden buttons in a charity and got them for me to photograph. I think they look pretty good with the sheet music as a background. Taken indoors, in natural light.

Seed Pod

21 Sep 2023 25 23 90
This is "helicopter style" seed pod which fell into my garden from one of the Lime trees that are just the other side of my back garden fence. Taken indoors and photographed on an A4 sized LED light panel.


21 Sep 2023 22 28 97
Slices of dried lime placed on white paper on top of an A4 sized LED light panel. Another image in the PiP. Try viewing large if you have time. Thanks for looking.

Red, Green, Yellow, Blue

30 Sep 2023 20 24 93
A simple.shot for Sunday. Have a good one!

Moon Flower Seed Pod & Seeds (+(PiP)

03 Oct 2023 27 34 96
I'd never heard of this plant until my neighbours cut one down and were going to thrown the remains in the bin. It was cut down because apparently it had never flowered. On investigation it seems the Moonflower is a species of night-blooming Morning Glory, native to tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, so it's not surprising it didn't like being in southern England :-)) Anyway, before it went in the bin, I snipped off two seed pods, one of which I cut in half and this photo is what it looks like, inside and out. This is about twice life size. In the PiP is an even closer shot of the seeds. Thanks for looking.

Walnut Whips

03 Oct 2023 25 41 108
Not as big as they used to be.........but still very tasty..........and quite photogenic :-)) Thank you to everyone who has visited my photo-stream lately, especially those who have left a comment and/or a yellow star........always appreciated and it makes sharing worthwhile..!! Have a splendid weekend :-)

Starfish and Sea Shells

21 Sep 2023 21 28 104
Some more items from my "props" box, arranged on a white card background, and photographed in natural window light. We have family down for the weekend, so not much time for commenting etc........but I'll do my best. Have a great weekend everyone..!!


07 Oct 2023 25 38 95
These small ornamental gourds were found in the walled garden at West Dean Gardens in West Sussex. They were on display in baskets and so I was able to take them out and photograph them on a table.

Chinese Lanterns

15 Oct 2023 19 30 85
One of out local florists was clearing out a window display and I managed to get hold of some of these to photograph. They were a bit battered and shapeless, but I thought I could make something of them. This is the result. As always, photographed indoors in natural light in my home studio (which doubles as a dining room table). The textured background was added in post production.

Primary Colours

15 Oct 2023 24 30 120
Taken indoors in natural light.

Winter is coming...........

22 Oct 2023 24 34 79
Chocolate Penguin biscuits, sugar and a snowy texture. Hopefully something to raise a smile on a dull Monday morning :-)))

Autumn Leaves

27 Oct 2023 28 32 87
These leaves from my garden got wet in the rain, so I thought I'd bring them indoors to dry :-) Taken in natural light. The background is one of the walls in my living room and the texture and border was added in post processing

Sea Horses (+PiP)

21 Sep 2023 23 33 87
I have no idea how these lovely creatures came to be dried out, but I found them in a bag of sea shells I bought in a charity shop. The sea shells are shown in the PiP.

Egg-shaped Vase with Flower and Leaves.

17 Nov 2023 23 44 95
A vaguely autumn-themed still life image photographed yesterday. I'm currently in the throes of a stinking cold with a I'm staying indoors for day or two. The flower came from a pot in my front garden, the leaves I collected and dried last week (also from the garden). The background was a sheet of card from a craft shop with a subtle texture added in post processing.. The egg-shaped vase I found recently in a charity shop and liked it so much that I bought it especially to use in photos, so you'll probably be seeing it again. Have a splendid weekend y'all.

Vase with Common Reed Grass

23 Nov 2023 19 26 76
Taken in my garden outdoors in natural light using a small folding table and a sheet of card as a background. The egg-shaped vase again, with a handful of Common Reed Grass heads from the Mill Pond at Langstone Harbour. Simple, but effective I think. Best viewed large and hope you like it. Have a lovely day and a splendid weekend everyone.

White Rose

04 Dec 2023 16 28 69
Taken indoors, using flash. Cropped and converted to mono and a white vignette added. (The rose was originally pink).

Puff Pastry Hearts

03 Oct 2023 19 32 79
Glazed with caramelised cinnamon and sugar. I'd love to be able to say these were home-made.........but sadly not. They were, however, quite photogenic and very delicious!

244 items in total