One Pair........Two Pears.

Still Life/Tabletop Photography

Water Droplets 2

08 Dec 2019 13 9 227
Rubbish weather today, so I've been experimenting with some water droplet refraction. I made a basic error by not checking my iso before I started shooting and it wasn't until I got them on the computer that I noticed I'd left the camera on iso 1250, so these are a bit noisy. Overall though, I'm happy that I got the technique pretty much OK, so just a bit more practice needed.

Panic as crocs seen on Hayling Island..!!

01 Oct 2019 12 13 132

Wildlife in the Garden

30 Aug 2019 12 15 193
Just for fun :-))

"One small step for can........................."

29 Aug 2019 28 24 263
Spotted this and thought this might make an interesting, if random, shot! Sorry 'bout the title :-))

Through the Apothacary Window

05 Aug 2019 27 22 231
Taken in Albert Road, Southsea, Hampshire. As the window was a bit dirty, I decided to emphasise this in PP by adding a "grunge" filter. Best viewed large, on black. Thank you :-) PS: Spot the sad face (I've added a note if you need it)!

Question: What do you get if you cross a twig with…

18 Apr 2019 15 14 328
Answer: One of these.

American Hard Gums

27 Jan 2019 15 21 330
I'm rather partial to these................ I think I have the DoF a bit too shallow, but I can't do a reshoot 'cos I've eaten them! Not all at once...................honest! :-))

Flower Fertilisation??

11 Dec 2018 16 19 307
I recently bought a small A4 sized light box and thought I'd have a play. This was an idea prompted by one of those drawings you see in biology books of the male's sperm swimming for the female's egg. Not sure if it works or not, but I quite like it for a first attempt. Apologies to my wife for deconstructing a couple of her last surviving flowers :-) Looks better viewed large, on black. Thank you.

Trick or Treat...............

31 Oct 2018 10 10 267
Stay safe out there folks........................

Narrow-Boat Style

30 Aug 2018 9 13 335
Spotted onboard a narrow-boat on the Kennet and Avon Canal. Please view large, on black. Thanks.

Green Apples

30 Aug 2018 18 20 180
I found these whilst wandering along the towpath of the Kennet and Avon Canal near Newbury. There were half a dozen or so which had been left on the grass near a wooden bench. I selected the best looking three, arranged them on the bench and took this photo..............for no other reason than I could :-)

Flower Pots

17 Sep 2018 9 4 268
We had a wander round West Dean Gardens, Nr Chichester, yesterday. They have a huge shed in the nursery area which is off limits to the public, but it has some really old bits and pieces in it. I managed to get a couple of shots through an open window. Please view large, on black. Thank you.

Well Travelled

20 Jun 2018 11 15 232
Captured in a bric-a-brac shop in Midhurst, West Sussex.

Non-Identical Twins

Through the Apothecary Shop Window - One

Through the Apothecary Shop Window - Two

241 items in total