Jean's photos

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21 Feb 2021

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Sundown on East Lomond.

Not quite the day I expected to have but nice. I meant to clean the bathroom but delayed because the bath is still not draining properly and a plunger, a drain cleaning brush and liquid drain cleaner were being delivered. Got on with clearing up the garden much to Beaky's delight. I couldn't clear far and fast enough for him. I took photos and am now fairly sure Beaky is a male. Looking down on a robin the peak of the female's head forms a V-shape whilst the males is a softened U- shape. Came in just as my drain stuff was arriving and saw Andy cleaning his car so went over to ask him to do mine next weekend. Ended up going for a coffee which I shouldn't have. I feel mildly guilty. We sat at least two metres apart and at right angles but that's no excuse. It was lovely to chat though and have a grump and a laugh. Afterwards I tackled the drain problem. The cleaning brush did nothing so the problem isn't hair though the brush will be useful for that in the future. The plunger helped but didn't clear the blockage completely. I thought the drain cleaner had done the trick but not quite so the bath is having a second dose overnight and hopefully this will solve things completely. Went for a walk and got a photo of the sun setting behind the S plantation then settled on the sofa to eat seaweed crisps. Venison casserole for dinner. Yum !

20 Feb 2021

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A busy day, Bed changed, wet wall washed down, bedding and towels in the washing machine, floors Roombad and a venison casserole assembled and put in the fridge. It'll go in the slow cooker tomorrow. I spent quite a lot of time in the garden cutting back and clearing up. More bare soil for Beaky who kept very close to me than moved in to hoover up any tasty morsels. I must make sure I have my camera beside me in future. I'm not even a quarter way round the garden yet so a way to go. Noticed that some cyclamen I planted years ago have finally multiplied so took photos then came in for a rest. Bought a bird table. I've improvised up till now but went for a low down one with quite a close mesh surface which will let rain drain away. Also bought a little nest box. I'm hoping some blue tits may use it. Must buy an open box too in case Beaky finds a girl friend. Although for all I know Beaky is a girl. Later my cousin-in-law John phoned. His wife died about two years ago but he is doing OK. He's been vaccinated and is being cautious but hoping restrictions will be lifted a little soon. I think we all are. Took myself out for a short walk afterwards so I'm feeling pleased with myself. The sofa has had a rest today.

19 Feb 2021

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And it was this big !

A day when I plucked my eyebrows, checked my bank account, payed my road tax and set Roomba going downstairs while I went to the Pillars for milk and bread. I parked at a distance from the shop to get in some walking and was half way there when I realised my mask was back in the car. So a bit more walking than I intended . Starting out again I was behind three people who walked abreast right across the roadway, stopped while one went to peer into a cottage window, looked as if they might move on then another had to look in the window and return to stand in the road and then the third had to peek too. Eventually they noticed me but even then I had to cross the road and walk on a very muddy verge to keep clear of them. I did actually speak up about their inability to understand what two metres or six feet was but as I didn't sound grumpy I 'm not sure they got it. Thankfully they weren't going into the shop. Afterwards I went to Birnie. It had rained all day so I thought there would be fewer people and there were. The plan was to photograph birds but I had forgotten to bring bird food. What an idiot ! Had a bit more of a walk instead and ended up entranced by the patterns of water and melting ice. Got distant shots of a heron and back at the car park stood photographing a group of distant ducks for ages. Oh, and snowdrops. Came home and learned that ducks eat anything including crawfish, frogs, newts, beetles and fish. And here am I thinking they were vegetarian for eighty two years

18 Feb 2021

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New leaves.

Woke at five and never got back to sleep so I was up before seven. You'd think I'd have got a lot done but time wasting is my biggest skill. Poured boiling water down my bath's sluggish plughole but it hasn't solved the problem so I'll need to think again. Decided my housecoat needed a wash than settled down for a read. Fiddled with photos. Phoned Margaret who is cheesed off with being stuck in the house. We had a good rant although on opposite sides of the political divide though not on Brexit. Somehow got onto cars and she suddenly realised hers was due an MOT and went off to check up. I went into the garden. Chopped down all the buddleia. I have a lot against the fence with the school playing field and like it to stay low so I can photograph butterflies. Cleared up another bit of the border so that was quite productive and Beaky was pleased at some more accessible soil. Photographed the tiny unfurling leaves of my robina. At about half past four Colin the mechanic brought my car back. That's the timing belt for another five years. He had a rant as well. Someone else fed up. He hasn't been able to use his motor home for a year now. Like Margaret and I he would be happy if we could travel in Scotland and if cafes were open. How little it would take to please us now. Project 21 Macro

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17 Feb 2021

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The crumbling jetty.

A good night's sleep and a busy day. Some tidying and the kitchen got a good clean and disinfect. My groceries arrived, were put away and I immediately used some drain clear on the bath. It's been draining quite slowly so tomorrow a kettle of boiling water goes down the plughole and hopefully it will be problem solved. Went to see if there was anything to photograph in the garden but nothing excited me. I did a bit of clearing up and much to my relief Beaky appeared and began pecking around the disturbed soil. I didn't see him at all yesterday which was unusual. Went off rather aimlessly in the car afterwards and unsurprisingly ended up in Newburgh. It wasn't the best light but I had a walk and photographed the crumbling pier. Barriers are put to stop people going onto it but everyone with a camera ignores them. Today I looked properly at the cracks. I think it's more likely to be a slow crumble than a quick collapse but who knows. Once home I took my car round to Alan's. He's fitting the new timing belt tomorrow but was checking it would be OK if it wasn't ready till Friday morning. Doesn't really matter. It's not as if I'm going anywhere.

16 Feb 2021

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Crocus stamens and pistil.

What a bad person I have been today. Didn't sleep well last night due to pain in my leg. It's always there but doesn't usually keep me awake. Lay on the sofa reading articles on independence and all the comments below the line. It's a subject that naturally interests me and about which there is so much misinformation and confusion. It also meant I could just lie about and avoid housework. Did manage to put some washing through the machine and get out for a walk. Saw Emma and Courtney who is sad to see the snow gone. My aconites and snowdrops have emerged from the snow in fine fettle and about six or eight crocuses have appeared, all little pencils, not opening out. It was too windy to photograph them so I brought one indoors where, of course, it opened out too much. Typical !

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15 Feb 2021

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Quite an overnight transformation. The snow has not completely gone but most of it has and the road is clear. This gave me a push and quite a bit of tidying and cleaning got done. I swopped round the sofas to give the one I lie on all the time a rest and put my fleecy throw in the washing machine. After lunch I went to the Pillars for bread but bought a few goodies as well naturally. Had a walk and a chat with a bloke who worked as a guide and wanted to know bits of Falkland Estate's history. Afterwards I went to Letham to photograph birds on the ponds but not a bird in sight. The ponds were still frozen solid and the birds had decamped elsewhere. Went to Birnie where there was a lot of icy slush on the paths and kept missing shots. Swans walked away from me, I had the wrong lens on to get a good shot of a rainbow, it just wasn't my day. Going back to the car a family were feeding swans so at last my luck was in. It's funny how something always turns up. And my two alcohol free weeks are up so I am going to settle on my sofa with a big glass of wine and some seaweed crisps.

14 Feb 2021

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Tideline treasure.

Old tideline treasures Sea coal and shells entice me To go fossicking. Not quite so cold and signs of a thaw beginning. Tarmac is beginning to show and icicles are slowly disappearing. I really need to get out but it didn't happen today. Can't even claim to have done many chores. Remembered to order mealy worms. Supplies are getting low. Apart from that I have buried myself in a book as usual only stopping to photograph the thing nearest me, an old glass jar full of bits and pieces from beachcombing.

13 Feb 2021

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Clockwork cat.

A bitterly cold day. I had to prize open my rubbish bins which were frozen solid and there were no drips from the roof. Nothing was melting. Got on with my Saturday chores then buried myself in a book. The snow is beautiful but I just want it to go away now. I think the birds do too. They are going through bird food like nobody's business. Was stuck for a photo but my collection of cat paraphernalia came to the rescue. My cats used to be terrified of this toy and hid under the sofa.
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