Christmas Fun [DSC03945E]


Where did Kolton go...

19 Feb 2016 2 132
and, yuk! Who is that guy with the runny nose?

Blue is trying to tell us...

19 Feb 2016 83
that he wants fish for dinner tonight. And yes, my face is healing up well after my little mishap.

Fun Times in Papaland!

Mom, Kristin, and my grandsons

19 Feb 2016 2 95
Well, one of my grandsons was zipping around the house and I didn't get him in this one, but I have him in plenty of the other shots from this day. Getting 5 out of 6 people in the shot was definitely an achievement!


19 Feb 2016 78
The joys of parenting grandparenting


Virtual tour gone bad

23 May 2015 83
Kristin tried to give me a virtual tour of their new home as they were beginning to move everything over. Alas, it was not meant to be. They could see me, but I could not see them. (sounds like some super-secret government agency, doesn't it. lol)

Honesty in Advertising: am I really supposed to th…

23 May 2015 93
This is the first time in my lifetime that I've ever seen a "permanent" "Out of Order" sign. Why not be honest and say "We have no intention of repairing this machine. Go down to the first floor"? Or why not take the machine out entirely and put up a sign that says "Ice Machine on First Floor" rather than taunt their guests with the expectation that the ice machine will be repaired soon? Where I come from, you don't create permanent signage for a temporary problem. Maybe they're dumb here and create long-term signs for short-term problems, but my guess is that if I come back here in three years that this broken ice machine and this sign will still be here. Obviously, they're not sorry enough for the inconvenience that they want to fix it any time soon. lol


11 May 2015 60
God is so good, and life is so great! :)



11 May 2015 1 73
Brenham and Kristin





364 items in total