
2011- 500 Most Interesting Photos

The 500 "Most Interesting" photos from our public uploads.


25 Sep 2011 42
(Photo by Kristin) I got Kristin to take some shots of an old chimney beside the railroad track for me. I see this constantly (as I drive by it rather frequently), but I've never taken the time to get some pictures of it before the old chimney falls. The field is covered in kudzu, but for some reason the kudzu won't climb the chimney. Many places alongside the railway are covered in kudzu, as the railway once "planted" kudzu all along the tracks to stop erosion, a decision I'm sure they now regret. Kudzu does stop erosion, but it forgets to stop growing and soon overtakes everything.) I seem to remember this chimney being there when I was seven or eight years old, so I'm not sure how many years ago it's been since the house that once stood there burned down... or for that matter, when the house that once stood there was constructed. (Look carefully at the top of the chimney and you can see that it was once given a new top) (And thanks, Kristin, for humoring daddy in helping me to get these much-wanted shots!) Intersection Church Hill Street and State Road 137, Norris, SC (US)) A humorous look at kudzu:


26 Aug 2011 51
Central, SC (US) Kristin, Kolton and I drove down this road just minutes after a tree limb fell across it. There was no rain, wind, or storm. It was a mostly clear to slightly overcast day. A gentleman later told us that bugs had eaten at the tree limb, causing it to fall. It's frightening to think that you could be driving down a main highway on a normal day and die because of a falling tree. Thank God we didn't drive down this road just a few minutes earlier. (photo by Kristin)


13 Aug 2011 92
Comparing the curls in Kolton's hair to the curls in Kristin's hair at about the same age.



08 Jul 2011 90
Camcorder low-res automatic shot taken during video. (When shooting video and the subject smiles, the camcorder immediately takes a low-res "still" simultaneously with the video. I'm hoping next-year's models will be able to take high-res shots while shooting video) (note: one can always spot the shots taken by the camera automatically because the dimensions are not standard photo dimensions, but the dimensions of a video screen)




08 Jul 2011 95
Kolton tries to "color" Kristin at Fatz Cafe, Easley, SC. (from a video- low res picture taken automatically by the camera during the video) (July 8, 2011) Video here: -------- (For Clarification: this photo was originally posted on Flickr. I've left my comments below intact, just to remind me of all the problems I encountered there. To Ipernity's credit, I never had difficulty getting my .m2ts or .mts files to load here. ) -------- old comments I left on Flickr: "I'm still having problems with Flickr not handling Sony and Panasonic m2ts files properly, so the only way I can post my HD videos from my Sony videocam is by creating an account on Vimeo and linking to the low-res stills here. (I'm really ready for Flickr to get this fixed. You can see in the forums that there have been complaints about this for several years)"




08 Jul 2011 72
Kristin and Kolton at Fatz Cafe, Easley, SC. On this particular visit, I took the small Sony camcorder because its easier to handle when you're carrying cellphones, diaper bags and a baby. (I'll remove the red eye at a later date)


08 Jul 2011 75
Posing for Papa. Kristin and Kolton at Fatz Cafe, Easley, SC.


08 Jul 2011 76
Camcorder low-res automatic shot taken during video. (When shooting video and the subject smiles, the camcorder immediately takes a low-res "still" simultaneously with the video. I'm hoping next-year's models will be able to take high-res shots while shooting video) (note: one can always spot the shots taken by the camera automatically because the dimensions are not standard photo dimensions, but the dimensions of a video screen)



08 Jul 2011 59
Camcorder low-res automatic shot taken during video. (When shooting video and the subject smiles, the camcorder immediately takes a low-res "still" simultaneously with the video. I'm hoping next-year's models will be able to take high-res shots while shooting video) (note: one can always spot the shots taken by the camera automatically because the dimensions are not standard photo dimensions, but the dimensions of a video screen)


08 Jul 2011 51
Kristin enjoys coloring as much as Kolton... sometimes even more than Kolton! :)



482 items in total