in the garden

Folder: Under Construction
30 Apr 2019 107
Parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme; oregano, cilantro, summer savory, lavender; arugula, spinach, bok choy, peas and beets; and artichokes in the bucket between the planters. Eventually... :) Lemon verbena and a couple of mints (bought as already-started plants) in the top box of the right planter (the second planter was missing the front-leg supports for the top shelf; instead of sending me two of the missing piece, they sent one of those and one long-side-of-the-plant-box. >.< don't really feel like calling customer service again, i'll just cut the second one myself, out of scraps... :) )
30 Apr 2019 74
Peppers (ghost, jalapeno, dragon cayenne) and garlic in the bowl on the stump; strawberries in the other bowl and the buckets; "mouse melons" and... okra, i think? in the rectangular box. (the shed will go away/be replaced eventually...)
30 Apr 2019 69
Strawberries in the baskets (there are two) hanging on the left fence; tomatoes, asparagus, and garlic in the buckets/watering can; i forget exactly which seeds went in which of the metal raised beds, but i do the pumpkins are in the square ones on the left (cinderella in one, musquee de provence in the other; in theory, once the plants get going the pumpkins can hang out along the fence, out of the way of everything else...)... Also planted: three kinds of eggplants (one with stripes!), several kinds of tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, two kinds of okra (burgundy and regular), more peas (one is purple!), and string beans, brussels sprouts, and i don't even remember what else. :)
30 Apr 2019 74
My still-alive orange tree. :) (the hummingbirds have been completely ignoring the feeders - i guess the trees taste better...)
30 Apr 2019 73
We have thyme! :D (or possibly rosemary? they're just inside the rosemary zone in the box, but the leaves look more thyme-like... but they're still tiny, so i'll just have to wait for them to grow up a bit...) It took *forever*, but the first seeds are finally starting to sprout... Next year, I'm going to start my seeds earlier, indoors in those little seed-starting trays; and i'll plant another round of all the things which are supposed to be planted in the fall (garlic, brussels sprouts, artichokes) but which i planted last week anyway in october...
30 Apr 2019 60
Strawberries! :) I bought three types of strawberries in bag-of-roots form - Sequoia, Eversweet, and Carolina White (white with red seeds!) - not realizing that the first two contained *ten* plants each, and the white strawberry pack contained ten of those and *another* ten of Eversweet. Forty strawberry plants. One person. Then someone pointed out that the bag-of-roots strawberry plants won't actually start producing berries until *next* year, so when I went back out to the store for another car-load of bags of soil I picked up three more strawberries (forget their name, but it was one i didn't already have), already in plant form... Next summer (assuming i can keep even half these plants alive that long) I'm going to have a lot of strawberries... :)
30 Apr 2019 80
It took them a couple of weeks to find it, but the birds have finally started flocking to the feeder. :) This little red guy perched in the tree long enough for me to get a pic before flying off... (that shed will be coming down, eventually... i have Plans for that space :) )
05 Aug 2019 82
The one things from my first attempt at a vegetable garden that actually survived long enough to turn into a real plant; if I can keep it alive a bit longer, i may actually get to eat something from my garden this summer! :)
05 Aug 2019 1 81
The one things from my first attempt at a vegetable garden that actually survived long enough to turn into a real plant; if I can keep it alive a bit longer, i may actually get to eat something from my garden this summer! :)