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By Sami Serola (inactive)

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Do you need an online editor?

PicMonkey API based editor that requires Adobe Flash is no longer an option soon coming to it's end. We need to either give up on such additional service entirely, or find a replacement for it (some HTML5 based API/SDK service). One hardly finds anything for free anymore. So, if we still do wish to have one, it very likely will cost us something. Feedback on this subject is welcome. Here are some online editors available that I have manage to find. ➽ photoeditorsdk.com One option is Photo Editor SDK used at Flickr: photoeditorsdk.com/case-studies . SDK stands for software development kit . The photo above has been edited on Photo Editor SDK to get the text added. All who still have account at Flickr can test it there. ➽ fotor.com Fotor as such does not save EXIF, at least not with the free version. There's no adjustable simple border width, and in my test I had to crop to make the standard black border thinner. Fotor provides SDK , and it may come with extras like print designer, collage maker, and GoArt . ➽ ribbet.com Saves EXIF and provides simple frames easy to add. Currently Ribbet uses Adobe Flash, but has a HTML5 under development. There's similar application programming interface (API) provided as there used to be for PicMonkey. But will that be available once they get their HTML5 editor finished, is still open. May provide also collage maker. ➽ pixlr.com Just rediscover this myself. I will update this part later. However, no API available at the moment . ➽ picmonkey.com PicMonkey is also developing their HTML5 based version, but whether it will be available via API or SDK is still open. Moreover, it very likely is no longer free to use, as their Adobe Flash based API was. Also PicMonkey has their collage maker , but at least that does not seem to be integrated to their photo editor. UPDATE May 13, 2020: We are now informed by PicMOnkey. Unfortunately they are no longer providing API service for their new HTML5 online editor. It means PicMonkey especially is no longer an option in the future. --- Keep in mind that these online photo editors are out there to use anyway. So, I recommend visiting those web sites in case you for example need to make collages. If it is decided to give up providing integrated online photo editor, then there are number of software available out there. PhotoShop and Lightroom are of course the most known, but they are not free. Instead of even trying to introduce all of them here, I recommend reading Stacy Fisher 's 10 Best Free Photo Editors review at lifewire.com. And if it is photo editing on handhelds that you are interested on, then read Tom J Law 's The 19 Best Photo Editing Apps for iPhone and Android in 2020 at Oberlo (beware the nasty pop-up ads). And if you already miss the possibility to edit the existing image on your albums, do remember that you can always use 'ACTIONS > Replace' to "update" your existing image here at ipernity. That is useful for example when you wish to change the image but keep the discussions below. Like I have done here. ---- This issue has been discussed also previously, for example on comments under following images of mine:

By Sami Serola (inactive)

29 favorites

Coffee 2/50

" Damn good coffee! " Or at least good enough to get the day started. Around here it is popular to drink "brewed coffee" made with electric drip coffeemaker. There are then few things to consider in order to get good coffee: Use separate clean jar to fill the reservoir. Never use the coffeemaker's own carafe to fill the reservoir, unless you clean the carafe after every use. What you do not wish to have is the remains of earlier made coffee to circulate through the pipes of the coffeemaker. There is for example surprisingly lot of coffee grease stains left after each time you brew the coffee. Use fresh and cold water. Especially if you use tap water, make sure it is cool and fresh enough. Water standing long time inside the copper or plastic water pipes starts to take taste from them. If you wish to save water, then consider filling glass bottles and store them in the fridge. Use proper grind for your coffeemaker. Coffee packages are usually marked with symbols and texts to indicate how the grind is supposed to be cooked. Find out what is the best roast and brand for your taste. I used to favor light roast coffee, but I discovered it is then usually also more acid than dark roast, and therefore causes heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux). Moreover, the brand I used to favor was sometimes shoddy and bitter. Therefore I changed to less acid dark roast and more homogeneous brand. Filter paper may matter. Purists recommends to use oxygen bleached coffee filter paper. I am not a purist ;-) Brew several pots of hot water through the coffeemaker, if it has been unused for long time. If you are not using the coffeemaker on daily bases, and especially if it has been unused for over a week, it is better to clean the pipes before you make coffee with it. Clean the coffee maker regularly. Wash the funnel and carafe once a week, or at least once a month. Moreover, use cleaning agents or vinegar every now and then to clean the pipes as well. What comes to my 366 coffee project at Instagram and Twitter, it has been started well. ➽ How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Vinegar at wikiHow ➽ Me at Instagram ➽ Me at Twitter ➽ Me at Facebook UPDATE January 9, 2020: Storage your coffee in cool and dry place. I prefer to use ready ground coffee because I drink coffee on daily bases, and like to get the grinds homogeneous. If one makes coffee less often, then it is probably better to buy coffee beans and grind them at home with a coffee grinder. But then you also need to pay attention on the grinding process and keep your grinder clean. Some say it is better to keep the coffee grind package even in the fridge, to avoid the coffee oil become rancid. But when drinking coffee somewhat every day, I think ground coffee is way more easy. Although, grinding the coffee from beans of course can be a very enjoyable part of the process. ➽ Whole Beans Vs Ground Coffee: What’s the difference? at Craft Beverage Jobs

By Heide

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Der Weg ist das Ziel

By Heide

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Goldrute - bereit für einen Neustart

By Heide

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Erster Sonnenuntergang im Neuen Jahr

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Ein Bild von heute/a today's picture

By Heide

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By Heide

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Nebliger Dreikönigstag

By Erika Akire

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...blaue Tür...

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