A phlegmatic cat

Animais / Animals

Renewed water in the pond

03 Oct 2020 12 21 103
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Alive trilobite on the table cloth


10 Oct 2020 10 14 120
by Carlos OLIVEIRA, at Park D.CARLOS I, Caldas da Rainha (press z to see in the lightbox)

Curiosity "didn't" kill the cat

I'm training the frog to jump the wall

28 Oct 2020 21 38 129
HFF to all my friends and foes

Pigeons are urban rats with wings

Ambushed domestic lynx

11 Feb 2021 10 18 127
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Dogs have to stretch the legs. Their owners too.

24 Feb 2021 11 24 130
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The fly

25 Feb 2021 13 22 140
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Every Monkey on His Branch, or should I say, Every…

10 Mar 2021 12 18 113
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Will the Tagus seagulls be confused with the Tágid…

23 Mar 2021 15 21 126
(*) Tágide, Tagus nymph

Safe harbor

19 Mar 2021 15 23 105
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A perch tailored to his bulge

Sometimes this is the Mendel Laws outcome

11 May 2021 12 19 123
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The Maltese cat said to me:

19 May 2021 6 10 150
- I was so peaceful...

The A-dos-Ruivos Cattery Manager has her hands ful…

03 Jul 2021 11 14 108
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Queen Quiquinha Throne

132 items in total