safe house

Detroit City

newton's flaw

04 Jul 2009 649
lord, a moment? what is it, archangel? quantum physics, lord. I am concerned about string theory. why? it'll devastate the work of isaac newton, lord. so? what's your point? well, you always favored him. maybe, but, hey, I put these humans down there. gotta let 'em think, you know? I suppose. they'll have to figure out for themselves that they're wrong. will they do that before the 4th dimension is revealed? I doubt it. but that'll be an interesting day. I've already got front row tickets. me too.


15 Sep 1975 6 1 986
got a delivery to 2418. he ain't in. I'll wait. you do you'll be waiting a long time. why's that? last delivery to him nearly took down the whole building. that a fact? so where's he at now? let's just say he's not on this earth anymore. he leave any forwarding address? maybe with his priest, but not with me.

hour of the wolf

07 Mar 2010 15 5 1700
I hear 'em. they're close. stay away from the window. they'll see you. hell, they can smell us anyway. we're fucked. don't say that. we've got a chance. two chances, actually: slim and none. man, that howling drives me nuts. sounds like there's hundreds of them out there. probably are. and all hungry. hungry for humans. the few of us left alive. just stay low. maybe they'll wander off. I don't think so. too bad the ammo ran out, eh? old news. get your knife out. wish I had two of 'em. ok man. this is it. they're here. get ready. I don't think the sun's coming up today. we'll see about that.


16 Sep 2009 1 867
the key to entering nirvana is finding inner peace. yeah? did your guru tell you that? no, my accountant. how's he know? maybe because he's got all my money.


16 Sep 2009 1 1152
you gonna count it? can I trust you? course. but you might still want to count it. don't need to. I know where you stay. don't be saying that. just count it and be done. ok. looks alright. now where's the stuff? next floor up. under a seat. here's the ticket. man! what if somebody found it? don't waste time asking. go look for it, fool. it's a good thing we're cousins. not as far as I'm concerned.


16 Sep 2009 6 6 1315
hey buddy, you can't come in here. this is for suite holders only. hey, don't sweat it. I'm a friend of jimmy's. yeah, sure you are. lemme see your pass. what, I gotta have a pass? c'mon, let's see it. I don't have no pass. but I do have one of these. hey! careful where you point that thing! I'm very careful. which is jimmy's suite? second on the right. thanks. I'll tell him how helpful you've been. please do.

rhythm is rhythm

04 Dec 2009 3 5 929
we've located the source of the signal, sir. what've you got? it's coming from the 3rd moon of saturn. yeah? what's it say? it seems to be a set of instructions. instructions? to who? to an invasion force, sir. what? where? well, uh, here, sir. earth. and the orders are to mobilize immediately. all 14,000 divisions. holy shit! where are they staged? we've narrowed it down to a 2-block area of detroit. detroit? why detroit? well, it's a known hot-bed of alien activity, sir. it is? like that green building over there? it's not architecture. it's an exo-skeleton. you mean. . . the building is an alien, sir. damn, what an awesome concept. yes, it's way cool sir.

family values

17 Feb 2010 6 3 1022
how are you today, lord? hello, archangel. what's up? your people need you more than ever, lord. which people? on earth, lord. remember it? yes,I was still experimenting with the creation thing then. right. well, the humans' time is about up there. you think? yes, they've over-populated and stripped the planet. too bad for them. I gave them brains. let them fix it. they can't agree on anything, lord. then they'll end up in the toilet, won't they? they need guidance. oh, ok. send a few messengers. carry my word. what should they tell humankind? just this: wise up or die. how's that? simple. direct. will they understand? you mess with my trees, my rivers, watch out. yes, lord. I am no god to be fooled with, no way. of course, lord. only idiots crap in the bed in which they sleep. now go. I'm working on this 4th dimension thing. oh? yeah, they're gonna love it on arcturus. they will sing your praises, I'm sure. whatever. but those humans? you tell them: they break it, they own it. yes lord.

the neighborhood

05 Feb 2006 655
ok, bud. we gotta inspect the cargo. yeah? how come? regulations. open it up. what if I don't want to? then we put your ass in the back seat. I'll take my chances. what are you trying to hide? dunno. but nobody can see what's back there except the boss. yeah? who's that? my uncle carmine. carmine's your uncle? you heard me. you tell him we meant no disrespect. and the cargo? what cargo?


15 Sep 2007 3 4 770
what's the plan, boss? the plan is, go in there and get him, that's the plan. but this place is huge. he could be anywhere. well, you're gonna be nowhere, you don't find him. where do I start? I don't care. but you got 20 minutes. so go. then what? then we blow this place up, with you or without you. you want I should call when I find him? no, I want you should bring him to me. dead, I hope. ok, boss. that simple enough for you? yeah, boss. real simple.

krak head

05 Feb 2006 8 10 1229
stanley, are you sure the party's here? absolutely, edna. I got explicit directions. but stanley. I don't like the looks of this place. nonsense, dear. these are very good friends. how do you know them stanley? from the office. you mean, they work for you? not exactly. they're more, kind of clients. stanley! are they criminals used to be. they swore they've reformed. I'm sure they wouldn't lie. why are you so sure? because their life isn't worth 2 cents if they do. oh, stanley. I love it when you talk like that. I know, sugar. I know.

(End of) Days Inn

17 Feb 2010 11 2 1685
vern! I found the perfect place for my new luxury hotel! really lars? here? totally! a perfect location! if you say so. and there'll be free zombies in every room! good plan, lars. really excellent. it gonna have a name? yeah! I wrote it down. see? hmmm. yeah. actually, I think that could work.


17 Feb 2010 8 2 1388
sonny around? who shall I say is calling? it's eddie. it's about a job. you have a job for sonny? no, it's about a job sonny was supposed to do. supposed to? yeah. supposed to, but didn't. he here? hmmm. actually I think he just left. out the back. that's ok. I'll wait. here? yeah. you don't mind, do you? of course not. make yourself at home. I would do that, but this don't look like no home to me. it's been a tough winter. yeah, I can see that. maybe more than 1 winter. you could be right.


17 Feb 2010 1 9 1092
what time's the next shuttle? you just missed it. next one's in a week. a week! I can't wait that long! sorry, bud. I gotta get off this rock! are there any other flights? just one. but that's the garbage scow to oberon. I'll take it. even a garbage planet beats this place. stay clear of the micro-organisms. they'll pick you clean. no kidding? they don't get live ones all that often. got it.

symphony in (the) D

17 Feb 2010 2 761
are you the owner of this property? I am. what's the problem, officer? this house is in violation of Section 322.4 of the Code. what code? the deranged yard art ordinance. never heard of it. administered by the Peoples' Committee on General Taste. that either. you have 24 hours to bring this property into compliance. or? or it ceases to exist in this realm. isn't that a little harsh? culture wars are a bitch. sorry. no. the bitch is sacrifice on the altar of public acceptance. that too.

flight plan

17 Feb 2010 3 1 1387
please fasten your seat belts. we're about to take off. miss, what is our expected time of arrival? if we articulate with the cloud nova, 45 parsecs, sir. if not? well, then the trip is extended. 6000 parsecs. jesus christ! that's almost 10,000 years! I hope you brought along a good book, sir.


17 Feb 2010 5 3 1002
no police. let's make our move. I don't think so. this place creeps me out. aw, c'mon. it's just an old church. can't help thinking about joey, and the last house. ok. so there was a little incident with the undead. an accident. it happens. an accident? he's a fucking vampire now, man! ok, cool your jets. and what about you? your teeth got so huge lately. and you only eat raw bloody hamburger. I'm on a diet. that's all. I can't remember the last time I saw you in the daytime. I'm busy. just get over it. ok. but jesus, it sure smells musty around here. you go first. I'm right behind you. and breathing hard too. just excited about the job is all. yeah? trust me.


17 Feb 2010 1 585
watch out. this thing just came out of that space ship. don't get too close. can you tell what it wants? no, but it's looking at my cigarettes. well, try giving it one. ok. . . now it wants a light. a plant? wants a smoke? yeah, and I think it just said thanks. hell, give it the pack then. he just called it health food! hey, I've known that for years.

574 items in total