honeyj's photos


02 Jun 1973 14 8 1891
well that was totally delicious. that's funny, I didn't know you liked cat food. what? you told me it was tuna! well, I'm sure there was some of that in there too. ok, then you lick my fingers. I thought you'd never ask.


18 Feb 2009 1 816
look at the cute baby! arnold! get over here and look at your new nephew. sure sylvia. say! he looks just like his father, don't he? oh my god! have you ever seen eye sockets that gorgeous? he's a real looker, ain't he. oh arnold, you are so useless. go get me another glass of iced methane, with a sulphur twist. look at this baby!


18 Feb 1973 10 1 1085
what time is it? I think it's time to eat. why, are you hungry? always, when I'm around you.

flower child

07 May 72 1 588
have you met my friends? they seem to like you. you think? I do. I'm not surprised.

all good

07 May 1972 23 8 1627
is there anything you need? no, I'm fine. I can see that.


08 Feb 2009 756
I've spotted the fugitive humans, sire. good. have our forces move in. shall we use the ion-beam to subdue them? no need. a tug from a mid-tentacle will suffice. excellent, sire. bring them to me. it's already past dinner. anything else, sire? a little tabasco sauce. humans are rather bland tasting. thank god for tabasco, eh? indeed.


14 Feb 1972 29 9 5738
are you done? I'm getting a little cold. not yet. just stand there and look beautiful.

weekend car

09 Aug 1971 1 765
sweetie, I'm going to the store. do you need anything? no thanks, hon. ok. well, I'm just going to take the, you know, other car. oh, I see. well try to keep it under 140 in the parking lot. yeah, sure. no problem.

spiritual priorities

14 Feb 1972 9 5 1078
communing with nature, are we? yes, but there's something about this thing that I can't put my finger on. oh? I just can't place it! well I have no clue. oh, I know! yeah? what time's lunch?


12 Feb 2009 1006
what's with the woods? what, you don't like nature? sure I do. I'm a big fan. I'm going to get nick. no problem. I'll just commune with these trees. good. just watch out they don't commune back.

entrance to hell

07 Feb 2009 1 762
where are we? better you don't ask. where does this go? doesn't matter. it's too late anyway. I don't like that smell. nobody does. you'll get used to it. can't we turn back? that's not allowed. man, you are definitely bringing me down. you ain't seen nothing yet. wait'll you meet the boss.

watch tower

08 Feb 2009 1 3 989
movement at 300 yards, sir. notify recon. they're tracking. can you identify? enemy, sir. in loose formation. they're flying. ok, engage. but watch out for those stingers. do they die when they sting, sir? negative. these are not bees, dammit. they're huge, nasty, alien bugs, don't forget it. whatever you say. and they're hard to kill with one shot. yes, sir. and they fucking stink too.


08 Feb 2009 1 1086
damn this is clever. what is, sir? they've hidden the bomb codes in this neon sign. how'd they do that? it's just a sign. that's what makes them smarter than you, son. oh. get the steganographer over here, pronto. who? call HQ. they'll know. and bring me a deli sandwich. no way I'm working tonight on an empty stomach. bomb codes or no bomb codes.


08 Feb 2009 3 2 1222
you got the package? I got it. ok. deliver it to the 44th floor. don't forget. don't worry, I can handle it. 44. I'll remember. yeah? like last time? hey, we were in Rome. c'mon. I don't speak Italian. numbers are numbers, you moron. even in Italian? forget it.

the goods

07 Feb 2009 1 1 823
the middle container. what about it? the goods are in there. so? so, go get them. why me? I got my new suit on. I don't want to climb into that filthy thing. get the goods. you'll be able to buy 100 suits. sure? not if I have to wait 5 more seconds for you. ok, I'm going. but you coulda told me not to dress up today. nice suit too. for a few more seconds


07 Feb 2009 6 2 1278
where'd it come from? outer space, they say. it just appeared. is it dangerous? I'm not touching it, that's for sure.


07 Feb 2009 3 969
meet me at the river. which bridge, wabash. how will I recognize you? I'll be the one with the briefcase full of cash. what color briefcase? dude. the bills will be spilling out of it. got it. green. I'll be there.

shop till you drop

08 Feb 2009 4 2 708
he's in the store. what's he doing there? I dunno. buying something. you're paid to know these things. hey, maybe it's his wife's birthday. he ain't buying for his wife. how do you know? he's in a victoria's secret. oh, yeah.

1315 items in total