Mickey fez's articles


  • I nearly escaped today

    - 27 Jan 2020 - 6 comments
    After a long bout of weather consisting of heavy rain,drizzle,fog rolling down from the hills and sea mist rolling in today dawned better with a hint of sun to come. What a relief after days of having to dress up like an backwoods man. first job feed the cats and give them their morning cuddle,not an option more a command from the felines.Next out to fill the bird feeders. THe wind was in the north and bitingly cold but it was dry. I made a coffee and started to get geared up when I noticed a…

  • The more things change the more the stay the same

    - 12 Jan 2020 - 5 comments
    A well known saying but very true. We are into the second week of a new decade and Politicians are still trying their best to destroy the world as we know it. The television is still full of quiz shows and so called reality T.V why that name I have no idea,from the glimpses I have seen the people on them don't resemble anybody I know or ideed would wish to know. We are still getting battered by very unwintery weather with gales and rain in shed loads. Where have cold crisp winter mornings wi…

  • weather,voting and a job done

    - 12 Dec 2019 - 5 comments
    Yhe weather of late has been the normal mix of gales,rail and hail.Today we have only got rain which is something to be thankful for I guess. The country is in a big a mess wiyh all the parties bickering and promising us a better deal,no change there then, Today is voting day and on a day I would be normally cabined up I made my way to the poling station at a local school, I was there early as normal and today there was a lot more filk there than I normally see.There must have been a couple o…

  • Clear skies at last

    - 01 Dec 2019 - 3 comments
    After the most of Novermber was spent under slate grey skies when it wasn't raining or blowng a gale at last the weather relented, This is the third day of clear skies and sunshine. The days arevcolder and the nights below freezing but cold is easy to sort with more layers on. When I arose this morning the thermometers were reading +1c but now we are upto a giddy 5c and maybe even7 or 8 due later. This weather I can handle it's perfect for a brisk wak. This is the view last evening my first s…

  • Winter pays a call

    - 09 Nov 2019 - 5 comments
    We missed the rain and floods of the last few days,they were the other side of the moors and fells mostly in Yorkshire. Today however we did get an early visit from Winter with a frosty early morning followed by cold damp mist. I managed to get my shopping in but around luch time with the temps falling again we had sleet on and off and it's still hanging around. With more frost forecast overnight and wet ground tomorrow will be a cabined up day I have plenty of sport to watch so I don't mind…

  • a time to remember

    - 03 Nov 2019 - 5 comments
    Today I went over to town,not to shop but to remember .As 11am approched I stood outside the Town Hall with a group of people of all ages waiting for the 11 o-clock cannon, THe town fell silent, no cars or buses were running for 2 well observed silence at the end of which the cannon was fired again and the town slowly started moving again,most of us a little more slowly as we thought of the futility of war I'm sure

  • Buddleia Finished

    - 18 Oct 2019 - 7 comments
    Today I finished sawing and limbing the rest of the branches and stashing them in the wheelie The buddleia did fight back.As I was finishiing limbing the branches,a job I needed to remove my gloves for.a sneak attack left me with a gash in my right hand, I finished the job before sorting the wound,I was surprised to find a lot of blood on what I thought was a graze. A good clean up showed i deepish gash which I cleanedup and aded a lot of savlon and a plaster. A check later in the day showe…

  • Back trouble sorted and pruning began

    - 17 Oct 2019 - 5 comments
    After back trouble a few days ago plenty of lotion and massaging got me up and about and taking a couple of walks The weather has been mainly dry and today we had a little sunshine so I decide the time to start the pruning was here. As always I try to do with all big jobs. I started on the hardest part which in this case was the runaway Buddleia,It's my fault it went silly because I failed to cut it back last year because of all the rain. As the beast now stood at over 7ft tall this needed do…

  • Sunshine, an old pal and a new one

    - 12 Oct 2019 - 6 comments
    I awoke to a sunny morning with a few whispy clouds perfect for my shopping day I visited. Morrisons,Discount corner,B&M and the Market. I decided on a coffee at the new teas shop before my last call at Herons There I bumped into an old school pal and we had a couple ofcoffees before exchanging phone numbers before going our seperate ways After my visit to Herons it was back home again with the weather still good I opened the back door and windows for some much needed fresh air to flow thro…

  • Planning for garden winter close down

    - 09 Oct 2019 - 4 comments
    I realised a few days ago that hopes of getting any more done had gone so I started to get ready. I sharped my branch saw a couple of days back today it was the turn of the headge shears' My next job is to strip the mower and strimmer,clean them up and replace the filters Then after a quick spray of WD40 I will wrap them and put them to bed for winter The wind and rain that have dogged most of the country this year shows no signs of letting up as Fran will confirm. Roll on 2020

  • The first frost appears

    - 03 Oct 2019 - 3 comments
    After the normal rain and more rain weather yesterday we had a break. After almost 6inch of rain in three days on Tuesday evening the skies began to clear and with no cloud cover we had a frost warning for Wednesday morning. As I am surrounded on 3 sides by the Irish sea I ignored this of course, With th sea filling salt marshes abot 50 yards away I thought no chance of frost here,WRONG!! I awoke yesterday to find the front street white from the roof tops to the ground and all inbetween. I cam…

  • A Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter

    - 22 Sep 2019 - 5 comments
    My dauhter Ellen hits 50 today,it only seems like last week I hit 50 .It is true the clocks go faster as we age.She has spent the last 2 weeks in Crete with her friend Pam and managed to get through without getting arrested or deported. I bet the locals are breathing a sigh of relief to see them leave,She send me an EMail while she was there,all it read was I did it! I knew at once she had overcome her fear of heights by paragliding while being towed behind a boat She sent me a very short…

  • That was fun

    - 19 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    After a few days much needed dry weather yesterday I set about catching up in the garden again,that's all I seem to be doing this year. I mowed and strimmed the front without any complains from my back The grass out the back was still a little damp so I left that until today, We lovely sunshine and temps back up in the 20sC I got all the mowing and strimming done in a couple of hours.There was I slight hiccup when the strimmer cord ran out but I always have a spare and soon sorted that out.…

  • and so it begins

    - 11 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    Last week I got a flyer in the post urging me to get ready for Christmas early,since then the TV adverts have joined in and just for good measure Sony now have a channel named. Sony Movies Christmas,yep Christmas films non stop, I have hiddem that channel but no doubt more will join in. Roll on January although by then Easter will no doubt have taken over the airwaves

  • Sunshine and sadness

    - 09 Sep 2019 - 4 comments
    On Saturday after a couple of days of dry weather the idea after shopping was to get back to grass cutting,all I seem to do is cut grass then the rain comes,then it goes again and it's back to mowing. The front grass was dry enough for cutting so the plan was sorted. On coming back from town Sue,one of the little growd of shoppers who meet on the same bus came to give me bad news. David,one of our mob had been found dead in bed by his father,this was a shock David was a young fella, So along…

  • It didn't last of course

    - 31 Aug 2019 - 5 comments
    The three good days I enjoyed in the garden are now gone and we are back to cold,rainy and windy days. By the time this lot blows through I will yet again be wrestling the garden back to something like. The dry dpells have,t been long enough to continue round the side of the house and nice strolls in the summer sun a distant memory replaced by days cabined up. I did manage to get my shopping done without getting too battered by the wind and rain but now it's a day of watching rain hammering to…

  • That was fun

    - 25 Aug 2019 - 4 comments
    After our normal weather pattern at last we are in a dry zone. Yesterday was shopping vday so it was after lunch before I started on the front garden and got it strimmed and mowed,just in time it was in danger of getting away from me Today I started on the back which was harder work and with the temps touching 30c in my little sun trap really made my skin leak. I started at 11 and finished cutting and strimming by1:15 so only one more job to do.The recent high winds had clattered my garden ta…

  • The storm passes and clean up begins

    - 11 Aug 2019 - 4 comments
    Reportedly the winds died down at around 5 am so it was time to check for damage. I already knew the Buddleia had sustained damage with this 7ft branch ripped off. Luckily that was the only damage for me and was sorted,I took a rtee saw to it ready for recycling' Before the storm finally left it had one last trick.pouuring gallons of rain water on us. This photo of Sooty sitting calmly in the middle of a rain storm shows how crackers he really is. Talking of which thanks all for aski…

1525 articles in total