Another nice sunny morning here but rain was threatened for later in the day and it has duly arrived.
I wandered around the back garden as usual after feeding the cats and the birds and noticed the fruit bushes has a lot of new growth so a good year in store for the gooseberries which grow on new growth. The second year growth on the blackcurrants is also strong and there are plenty of signs of fruit there as well. Good bartering fodder as I eat neither. I get brownie points from my neighbours and make sure the birds get their share.
I called at Mac's to get some odds and on the way back noticed Tesco had potting plants outside so with two of the white tubs spare I strolled over to take a look. I found some trailing Lobelia and some Salvia Scarlet. With the Muscari fading and the tulips and dafs already gone hopefully it won't be long before I have some colour in the garden.
So after two and a half days of sunshine I am back on rain watch and tomorrows trip to mother's looks in doubt just a typical few days here.