This morning dawned dry and bright and a nice sunny day lay ahead,time to get busy. My first job was a visit to Aldi to buy some bits of dead animal. The walk of just over a mile was pleasant and the sun had a few folks smiling. I timed my walk so as to be able to get to a bus stop in time for a ride home,over a mile with heavy bags is asking for trouble with my back.
I managed to get enough chicken,turkey,pork,beef and lamb for 15 meals which is 30 meals in all. I spent £35:57p with the other odd sauces,biscuits,cheese and chocolate treats and fruit all in. So I have the main ingredients of our dinners for two weeks,pretty good going and all the meat has the red tractor logo which guarantees it is all certified British produce. I was a happy bunny heading for the bus stop and a sit in the sun until the bus arrived.
After cheese and salad buns for lunch I decided to mow the back grass. We have rain forecast again tomorrow. I didn't strim it or touch the small part of the garden because it is still wet with standing water in parts. I also put out the pots of herbs I have been hardening off,it's time the stood on the own roots and either flourish or die the choice is theirs
The job went well, my back felt fine so after making dinner is was a nice easy night reading,that was the plan and then I felt a twinge in my back followed by another. A quick smear of the magical Volterol was applied and I am about to strap myself into the massage chair. Wish me luck! Catch up when I can