Today the annual Keswick to Barrow charity walk takes place. It is 40 miles over some very steep hills a real test of endurance. A lot of people organise themselves into teams for the event and what used to be a small local affair has turned into a national event with over 2,500 entrants every year.The competitive spirit took hold with some people a few years back and there are now teams and individuals racing each other. The fastest time is 2h:59m by a fella called Dave Kelly in 2010. There are awards for the race in different classes such as, Individual,team,boys.girls wheelchairs etc. Most however walk the distance and a lot of money is raised for charity. There are check points along the course with medics,drink stations,food stations and portable toilet facilities.
We have a sort of family history in this event. I did it a lot of years ago when I was as fit as a butcher's dog. My son Stephen did it when he was 15 and Ellen 4 years ago.
Today is a lousy day for it with a howling wind and driving rain and as the start is 6:30am it would be a pretty miserable place in that part of the Lake district this morning.I send a Good luck message to all taking part
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