After a very wet winter and recent storms today is the day for starting to reclaim the garden which I haven't been able to work on since September.
With a strim already done on the front a little while ago after lunch today I started on the back.
I chose the larger of the two sections split by a path and started on the top level.
After around an hour my back said stop and I have learned from painful experience to do as it bade,
When my back yells stop that means right then not in 10 minutes or so or pain and time spent resting up will be the price to pay.
I surveyed my progress and was pleased to see I had strimmed almost half of the top section. If all is well tomorrow I hope to finish that area and then I can move to the smaller lower part.
With fair weather and a following wind I hope to finish all the strimming in three or four days then I can get the mower on to the job,
I am now on the massage chair with heat as well as the massage clutching a coffee and enjoying life