I had a visit from Mia and Ellen yesterday which is always good fun. Mia is really getting around well now and is a little bundle of energy.
They stayed around for an hour or so until Mia was ready for her dinner so off they went.

Zazzles is a poorly little fella. He has developed a nasty rash in the last couiple of days so this morning Ellen took him to the vet. It turns out he is allergic to fleas saliva. He is half way hrough his monthly course of flea protection so this was a surprise but the vet said this was not uncommon. He gave Zazzles a steroid injectin and a full examination pronoucing Zazzles is a very healthy cat otherwise and he should be fine in a couple of days. He then relieved Ellen of £50:36p.
In other news we have been hit by 3 storms in the last 6 days smashing Margarets rose and the Buddleia ush again. Roll on summer.