after 9 days of a little sun and a lot of rain today dawn much better. Yesterday was mostly dry so the grass was dry enough to be mowed and strimmed.
not trusting the weather I started early on the front and by 10 had the lot strimmed and mowed.
After a coffee break and feeling good I turned my attention to the back.The flowers are not having a good time this year,the petunias have been completely eaten by some thing as have some if the begonias. The Fucias look healthy enough with plenty of geen growth but no blooms.
i am beginning to think location may be an issue so moved the planters on to the path while I striimmed and cut everwhere. I left things as they were and had a nice long lunch break mulling over the problems but not really solving them. I wandered outside just in time to be greated by raindrops on my head.
So the problem remains unresolved with the planters still on the path but at least rhe break in the weather allowed mt to cut the grass.