Yesterday was sunny all day but the grass out back was still a little damp so I hoped for better today and the weather has been kind. I started at 11am and divided the garden into four sections in my head. at around 20minutes a section with a short break in between. This was easier on me and gave the strimmer time to cool.
I finished that section and stopped for lunch before carrying on with the final part of the larger side which is where the planters are. This meant I had to move 16 planters before I started. The job done I replaced the planters and took a break. I moved over to the side where I removed the fruit bushes.I managed to get a 10ftX4ft section done before I got a twinge in the back. Experience has told me to stop as soon as this happens or pay dearly for a few days. it was approaching 4pm by then a long session of hard but very enjoyable work.
I sat on the back step and cleaned the strimmer and my boots before heading for a much needed shower.
All clean and tidy I only had the paths to brush and the workday was over.
I took a chair out and sat with a cold Guinness as a reward,it went down so well I had another while watching the cats playing chase and rolling over in the grass,this meant there is grass all over in here, so more work to do.
If tomorrow is fine and I have no after effects I will finish the strimming after a clean up of branches from the old fruit bushes,strimmers don't like branches.