Yet again the sun shines on us and after a heavy overnight frost a nice warm morning rushed towards us,from -2 at 9:00am to 41f by 10:00 lovely stuff.
I had a loaf to get because I forgot it yesterday and decided on the same strategy for a walk today. I headed for the beach turned northwards and strolled to the golf course.From there I cut inland up to the bakery and home clocking another 2 miles. This brought my total for the month to 26 miles not bad considering the time of year and all the floods. The pie magnet was turned on full power in the bakery and I couldn't resist one of their steak pies which I scoffed with garden peas back here at base camp.

I noticed I had three messages on I.M asking where I was. This is because I left the computer on when I left and was logged in to IM and ipernity. This is something I do quite often and it seems to be that is when folk want a chat.So if you see me logged on here it does not mean I am here I could be half way down a muddy track somewhere or talking to a local idiot on the beach.

The tide was farther out today but no birds in sight again.

The tide goes out a long way here and as well as today's snaps I am posting an old shot taken a couple of years ago when I did a 5 mile walk along the sands on a glorious sunny day.
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