Tomorrow (20th) is the spring equinox and a fitting time to have a clear out.
I have a few contacts who don't visit me and I don't visit them. A few people joined ipernity and didn't settle so moved on so they can be removed. some people invited me and I never heard from them again or saw them post anything , people are strange creatures.
Spring cleaning time in the house as well by tradition but it is not like days of yore, dragging carpets out and giving them a good beating is no longer done for instance. In fact I haven't any jobs that require attention apart from the resumption of refurbing upstairs and getting stuck in to making one of the spare rooms a a guest room. The only major task will be reclaiming the garden after nearly twelve months of neglect due to an horrific year of rain and storms.There is a lot to do out there.
I hope this year will at least give us a little sunshine.