I wandered off along the prom this morning. I was heading for the park and the little wild area.
I walked through the park.

This is the tarmac path cut through the rough ground.They have to keep the edges trimmed.

If they didn't trim the edges this would take over. or rather retake it's lost ground.

This steep banking is a way to more woods but that is not for today.

I came out of the little wild area alongside the allotments which I cut through on the way home.
That is when I got the first irresistible whiff of fish and chips. Once I got the scent I hunted the source down. Not a difficult job it was coming from Andy's chippy on the corner.
My fate was sealed and I treated myself to fish and chips for lunch,another £3:75 spent t but well worth it.
I had company from the chippy to home,one of the fishermen fell into the same trap as me so we strolled home together.
Now I am fed and watered,I did nearly 3 miles today. I have a coffee and a full briar, all is well with the world,at least my little corner of it