The late afternoon sky promised a good sunset so I got booted and suited and headed for the beach. Alas in the short time it took me to get there the sky had filled in. The combe was fast vanishing behind cloud which was a shame because the setting sun reflecting off it's snowy top would have made a good photo.Still I was already on the beach so strolled northward for half a mile or so.
There were a few hardy souls out 2 people pounding along keeping fit,3 or 4 dog walkers including one way down by the waters edge a good 400 yards away. I passed pleasantries with those I met along the way when hurtling towards me with it's owner shouting "No" was a chocolate coloured Labrador. He made a bee line for me and I thought to myself if he doesn't stop soon we will both end up in a heap on the grass. He slid to a halt in time and proceeded to give my legs a good thrashing with his tail, walking around and around me and nearly sending me tumbling. The owner caught up and apologised, apparently the dog thinks anybody he sees in a dark anorak is his master hence the welcome. I gave my new friend a pat and a mint from the pack that I always have on me.That's my new doggie friend I patted you understand not the lady. I wandered to the end of the beach to the golf course,turned across the wild area and headed homeward. There are no paths orlights here and this rough patch of ground with bracken and rabbit holes is not the place to be in fading light.
So I returned to the warmth of home cold and with no photos but I did get another couple of miles into my old legs. A mug of mushroom soup with bread soon restored the inner man and now I am toasty warm.