There was a loud cawing this afternoon and Pippin and I went outside to see what was happening ....... there on the chimney stack was a gull telling everyone that he was back...........

Since my neighbours put up a plastic owl with luminescent eyes they've left us alone and no more Jonathons fell off the roof since. However one bright spark has probably realised that the scary owl is only plastic, because he was sitting there all brazen and telling all and sundry about it.

First he was telling all that he had come back to HIS place......

Then he seemed to get an extra breath and started off again. Pippin was next to me and was really interested in what was going on.....

He was looking up at the gull and chittering away - so sweet. The fact that it was about 45 feet above him didn't stop him wanting to get his mitts on it..........

Then I had a look at some of the new plants I'd potted out the other day and they are starting to look much healthier now.......

So soon there will be more flowers around to take pictures of.

Tomorrow Mandi is coming up for another few days - maybe a week. She needs her mum - aww bless. She's going back to see hubby on 19th June for 3 weeks, the dog they've sort of adopted - Zilli is in a clinic waiting for her neutering and today she heard that Maya, Zilli's daughter, has also gone into the clinic, and is with Zilli, to have her neutering done too. Then Mandi and Dogan will probably adopt Maya too. For a girl who's a cat person - she's doing well isn't she LOL